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1/ 124 COP 3503 FALL 2012 SHAYAN JAVED LECTURE 18 Programming Fundamentals using Java 1.

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Presentation on theme: "1/ 124 COP 3503 FALL 2012 SHAYAN JAVED LECTURE 18 Programming Fundamentals using Java 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 1/ 124 COP 3503 FALL 2012 SHAYAN JAVED LECTURE 18 Programming Fundamentals using Java 1

2 2/ 124 Data Structures

3 3/ 124 So far...  Looked at Arrays and ArrayLists as our data structures

4 4/ 124 So far...  Looked at Arrays and ArrayLists as our data structures  Very useful, but not always the best options

5 5/ 124 So far...  Looked at Arrays and ArrayLists as our data structures  Very useful, but not always the best options  Going to look at some other data structures

6 6/ 124 Data Structures  Stack  Queue  Linked List  Trees  Graph  Hashtable  etc.

7 7/ 124 Data Structures  Stack  Queue  Linked List  Trees  Graph  Hashtable  etc.

8 8/ 124 Stack  Last-In-First-Out (LIFO) Data Structure

9 9/ 124 Stack  Last-In-First-Out (LIFO) Data Structure  Basically...a stack of data.

10 10/ 124 Stack  Last-In-First-Out (LIFO) Data Structure  Basically...a stack of data.  Used when you want the oldest added data first.

11 11/ 124 Stack  Last-In-First-Out (LIFO) Data Structure  Basically...a stack of data.  Used when you want the oldest added data first.  Abstract data type (can store any kind of data).

12 12/ 124 Stack  Three Operations:

13 13/ 124 Stack  Three Operations:  push(Object): Pushes an object on top of a stack

14 14/ 124 Stack  Three Operations:  push(Object): Pushes an object on top of a stack  pop(): Returns the object at the top of the stack and removes it

15 15/ 124 Stack  Three Operations:  push(Object): Pushes an object on top of a stack  pop(): Returns the object at the top of the stack and removes it  peek(): Returns the object at the top without removing it

16 16/ 124 Stack  Some uses:

17 17/ 124 Stack  Some uses:  “Stack Frame” for method calls.

18 18/ 124 Stack  Some uses:  “Stack Frame” for method calls.  Used for evaluating arithmetic expressions:  (prefix, postfix, infix)

19 19/ 124 Stack  Java provides a Stack class (java.util.Stack)

20 20/ 124 Stack  Java provides a Stack class (java.util.Stack)  Has all the operations

21 21/ 124 Stack  Java provides a Stack class (java.util.Stack)  Has all the operations  But how does it actually store the data? (What’s the “back-end”?)

22 22/ 124 Stack  Java provides a Stack class (java.util.Stack)  Has all the operations  But how does it actually store the data? (What’s the “back-end”?)  Uses the java.util.Vector class (similar to ArrayList)

23 23/ 124 Queue  A First-In-First-Out (FIFO) data structure.

24 24/ 124 Queue  A First-In-First-Out (FIFO) data structure.  Used when you want the oldest added data first.

25 25/ 124 Queue  A First-In-First-Out (FIFO) data structure.  Used when you want the oldest added data first.  Often used for scheduling (handle first in line)

26 26/ 124 Queue  Three Operations:  enqueue(Object): Adds an object to the queue  dequeue(): Returns the object at the front of the queue and removes it  peek(): Returns the object at the front without removing it

27 27/ 124 Queue  Java provides a Queue interface (java.util.Queue)

28 28/ 124 Queue  Java provides a Queue interface (java.util.Queue)  Has all the operations  enqueue = add  dequeue = poll

29 29/ 124 Queue  Java provides a Queue interface (java.util.Queue)  Has all the operations  enqueue = add  dequeue = poll  Interface implemented in classes like LinkedList

30 30/ 124 Queue  Java provides a Queue interface (java.util.Queue)  Has all the operations  enqueue = add  dequeue = poll  Interface implemented in classes like LinkedList Queue queue = new LinkedList ();

31 31/ 124 Arrays and ArrayLists  Work well in a lot of cases.

32 32/ 124 Arrays and ArrayLists  Work well in a lot of cases.  Can use as “back-end” data structures

33 33/ 124 Arrays and ArrayLists  Work well in a lot of cases.  Can use as “back-end” data structures  But where do they fall short?

34 34/ 124 Arrays and ArrayLists  Work well in a lot of cases.  Can use as “back-end” data structures  But where do they fall short?  Data retrieval – excellent O(1)

35 35/ 124 Arrays and ArrayLists  Work well in a lot of cases.  Can use as “back-end” data structures  But where do they fall short?  Data retrieval – excellent O(1)  Adding data

36 36/ 124 Arrays and ArrayLists  Work well in a lot of cases.  Can use as “back-end” data structures  But where do they fall short?  Data retrieval – excellent O(1)  Adding data – inefficient O(n) in some cases

37 37/ 124 Arrays and ArrayLists  Work well in a lot of cases.  Can use as “back-end” data structures  But where do they fall short?  Data retrieval – excellent O(1)  Adding data – inefficient O(n) in some cases

38 38/ 124 Arrays and ArrayLists  Work well in a lot of cases.  Can use as “back-end” data structures  But where do they fall short?  Data retrieval – excellent O(1)  Adding data – inefficient O(n) in some cases  Fixed size – have to shift/copy to new array

39 39/ 124 Arrays and ArrayLists  What if your application requires a lot of adds but not retrievals?

40 40/ 124 Arrays and ArrayLists  What if your application requires a lot of adds but not retrievals?  Use Linked Lists

41 41/ 124 Linked List  A list – a collection of linked nodes.

42 42/ 124 Linked List  A list – a collection of linked nodes.  Dynamic data structure – size is not fixed, and memory is not contiguous (unlike an array)

43 43/ 124 Linked List  A list – a collection of linked nodes.  Dynamic data structure – size is not fixed, and memory is not contiguous (unlike an array)  Insertion to the list is very fast – O(1) in most cases

44 44/ 124 Linked List  A list – a collection of linked nodes.  Dynamic data structure – size is not fixed, and memory is not contiguous (unlike an array)  Insertion to the list is very fast – O(1) in most cases  Indexing is slow. Random access also not possible

45 45/ 124 Linked List  Many variations:  Singly-Linked List (can only traverse forward)  Doubly-Linked List (can traverse in reverse too)  Circular Linked Lists  Multi-Linked Lists  etc.

46 46/ 124 Node  Basic structure – collection of linked nodes make a linked list.

47 47/ 124 Node  Basic structure – collection of linked nodes make a linked list.  Stores some data and a link to the next Node.

48 48/ 124 Node  Basic structure – collection of linked nodes make a linked list.  Stores some data and a link to the next Node. int null

49 49/ 124 Node  Basic structure – collection of linked nodes make a linked list.  Stores some data and a link to the next Node. int null

50 50/ 124 Singly-Linked List (SLL)  Nodes connected to each other

51 51/ 124 Singly-Linked List (SLL)  Nodes connected to each other int null int

52 52/ 124 Singly-Linked List (SLL)  Nodes connected to each other  SLL only stores links to two nodes: int null int

53 53/ 124 Singly-Linked List (SLL)  Nodes connected to each other  SLL only stores links to two nodes:  Head node (front) int null int head

54 54/ 124 Singly-Linked List (SLL)  Nodes connected to each other  SLL only stores links to two nodes:  Head node (front)  Tail node (end) int null int headtail

55 55/ 124 Singly-Linked List (SLL)  Operations:  LinkedList():create an empty list

56 56/ 124 Singly-Linked List (SLL)  Operations:  LinkedList():create an empty list  append(Object):add to the end

57 57/ 124 Singly-Linked List (SLL)  Operations:  LinkedList():create an empty list  append(Object):add to the end  insert(Object, index):add at a certain index

58 58/ 124 Singly-Linked List (SLL)  Operations:  LinkedList():create an empty list  append(Object):add to the end  insert(Object, index):add at a certain index  remove(index):remove Object at index  remove(Object):remove Object

59 59/ 124 Singly-Linked List (SLL)  Operations:  LinkedList():create an empty list  append(Object):add to the end  insert(Object, index):add at a certain index  remove(index):remove Object at index  remove(Object):remove Object  get(Object):return index of Object  get(index):return Object at index

60 60/ 124 Singly-Linked List (SLL)  Operations:  LinkedList():create an empty list  append(Object):add to the end  insert(Object, index):add at a certain index  remove(index):remove Object at index  remove(Object):remove Object  get(Object):return index of Object  get(index):return Object at index  size():return size of the list

61 61/ 124 Singly-Linked List (SLL)  Operations:  LinkedList():create an empty list  append(Object):add to the end  insert(Object, index):add at a certain index  remove(index):remove Object at index  remove(Object):remove Object  get(Object):return index of Object  get(index):return Object at index  size():return size of the list  clear():empty the list

62 62/ 124 Singly-Linked List (SLL)  Create an Empty SLL:

63 63/ 124 Singly-Linked List (SLL)  Create an Empty SLL: headtail null

64 64/ 124 Singly-Linked List (SLL)  Create an Empty SLL: public SLL() { head = null; tail = null; } headtail null

65 65/ 124 Singly-Linked List (SLL)  append(Object):

66 66/ 124 Singly-Linked List (SLL)  append(Object):  Create a Node with that Object Obj null

67 67/ 124 Singly-Linked List (SLL)  append(Object):  Create a Node with that Object Obj null headtail

68 68/ 124 Singly-Linked List (SLL)  append(Object):append another object Obj null headtail

69 69/ 124 Singly-Linked List (SLL)  append(Object):append another object  Create a Node with that Object Obj null headtail Obj null

70 70/ 124 Singly-Linked List (SLL)  append(Object):append another object  Create a Node with that Object  Make tail point to it Obj headtail Obj null

71 71/ 124 Singly-Linked List (SLL)  append(Object):append another object  Create a Node with that Object  Make tail point to it  Update tail Node Obj headtail Obj null

72 72/ 124 Singly-Linked List (SLL)  size():

73 73/ 124 Singly-Linked List (SLL)  size(): Obj headtail Obj null Obj

74 74/ 124 Singly-Linked List (SLL)  size(): Obj headtail Obj null Obj temp

75 75/ 124 Singly-Linked List (SLL)  size(): Obj headtail Obj null Obj temp

76 76/ 124 Singly-Linked List (SLL)  size(): Obj headtail Obj null Obj temp

77 77/ 124 Singly-Linked List (SLL)  size(): Obj headtail Obj null Obj temp

78 78/ 124 Singly-Linked List (SLL)  size(): Obj headtail Obj null Obj temp

79 79/ 124 Singly-Linked List (SLL)  size():  Keep incrementing until you reach “null”. Obj headtail Obj null Obj temp

80 80/ 124 Singly-Linked List (SLL)  get(Object): Returns index of first Node with that object

81 81/ 124 Singly-Linked List (SLL)  get(Object): Returns index of first Node with that object  You should know how to traverse

82 82/ 124 Singly-Linked List (SLL)  get(Object): Returns index of first Node with that object  You should know how to traverse  Compare object with equals() method

83 83/ 124 Singly-Linked List (SLL)  get(Object): Returns index of first Node with that object  You should know how to traverse  Compare object with equals() method  Return index if found  -1 if not found

84 84/ 124 Singly-Linked List (SLL)  remove(Object): Obj headtail Obj null Obj

85 85/ 124 Singly-Linked List (SLL)  remove(Object): Obj headtail Obj null Obj

86 86/ 124 Singly-Linked List (SLL)  remove(Object): Obj headtail Obj null Obj

87 87/ 124 Singly-Linked List (SLL)  remove(Object): Obj headtail Obj null Obj

88 88/ 124 Singly-Linked List (SLL)  remove(Object): Obj headtail Obj null Obj

89 89/ 124 Singly-Linked List (SLL)  remove(Object):  remove(index)- remove at a certain index  remove(Node)- remove a certain Node  Work the same way Obj headtail Obj null Obj

90 90/ 124 Singly-Linked List (SLL)  So now we know how to:  append, prepend, insert

91 91/ 124 Singly-Linked List (SLL)  So now we know how to:  append, prepend, insert  find the size

92 92/ 124 Singly-Linked List (SLL)  So now we know how to:  append, prepend, insert  find the size  find the index of a specific element

93 93/ 124 Singly-Linked List (SLL)  So now we know how to:  append, prepend, insert  find the size  find the index of a specific element  remove an object/Node

94 94/ 124 Singly-Linked List (SLL)  So now we know how to:  append, prepend, insert  find the size  find the index of a specific element  remove an object/Node What about sorting?

95 95/ 124 Singly-Linked List (SLL)  Sorting:  Bubble Sort  Selection Sort  Insertion Sort

96 96/ 124 Singly-Linked List (SLL)  Sorting:  Bubble Sort  Selection Sort  Insertion Sort  How many of these can you implement for Linked Lists?

97 97/ 124 Singly-Linked List (SLL)  Sorting:  We should swap nodes

98 98/ 124 Singly-Linked List (SLL)  Sorting:  We should swap nodes Obj headtail Obj null Obj

99 99/ 124 Singly-Linked List (SLL)  Sorting:  We should swap nodes Obj headtail Obj null Obj

100 100/ 124 Singly-Linked List (SLL)  Sorting:  We should swap nodes Obj headtail Obj null Obj

101 101/ 124 Singly-Linked List (SLL)  Sorting:  We should swap nodes Obj headtail Obj null Obj

102 102/ 124 Singly-Linked List (SLL)  Sorting:  We should swap nodes Obj headtail Obj null Obj

103 103/ 124 Singly-Linked List (SLL)  Sorting:  We should swap nodes Obj headtail Obj null Obj

104 104/ 124 Singly-Linked List (SLL)  Sorting:  We should swap nodes  How many nodes were changed? Obj headtail Obj null Obj

105 105/ 124 Singly-Linked List (SLL)  Sorting:  We should swap nodes  How many nodes were changed? 3 Obj headtail Obj null Obj

106 106/ 124 Singly-Linked List (SLL)  Swap: Obj headtail Obj null Obj

107 107/ 124 Singly-Linked List (SLL)  Swap: Obj headtail Obj null Obj

108 108/ 124 Singly-Linked List (SLL)  Swap:  Also have to modify the ones before them Obj headtail Obj null Obj

109 109/ 124 Singly-Linked List (SLL)  Swap:  Also have to modify the ones before them Obj headtail Obj null Obj node1node2

110 110/ 124 Singly-Linked List (SLL)  Swap:  Also have to modify the ones before them Obj headtail Obj null Obj node1node2 node1Pnode2P

111 111/ 124 Singly-Linked List (SLL)  Swap: RESULT:  Also have to modify the ones before them  We have now seen two cases Obj headtail Obj null Obj node2node1 node1Pnode2P

112 112/ 124 Singly-Linked List (SLL) void swap(Node node1, Node node2, Node node1P, Node node2P) { if ( == node2) {// side-by-side (1 st case) =; = node1; } else {// 2 nd case Node temp =; =; = temp; = node1; } if (node1P != null)// why? = node2; // what about the head and tail nodes? // update them accordingly }

113 113/ 124 Singly-Linked List (SLL) void swap(Node node1, Node node2, Node node1P, Node node2P) { if ( == node2) {// side-by-side (1 st case) =; = node1; } else {// 2 nd case Node temp =; =; = temp; = node1; } if (node1P != null)// why? = node2; // what about the head and tail nodes? // update them accordingly }

114 114/ 124 Singly-Linked List (SLL) void swap(Node node1, Node node2, Node node1P, Node node2P) { if ( == node2) {// side-by-side (1 st case) =; = node1; } else {// 2 nd case Node temp =; =; = temp; = node1; } if (node1P != null)// why? = node2; // what about the head and tail nodes? // update them accordingly }

115 115/ 124 Singly-Linked List (SLL) void swap(Node node1, Node node2, Node node1P, Node node2P) { if ( == node2) {// side-by-side (1 st case) =; = node1; } else {// 2 nd case Node temp =; =; = temp; = node1; } if (node1P != null)// why? = node2; // what about the head and tail nodes? // update them accordingly }

116 116/ 124 Singly-Linked List (SLL) void swap(Node node1, Node node2, Node node1P, Node node2P) { if ( == node2) {// side-by-side (1 st case) =; = node1; } else {// 2 nd case Node temp =; =; = temp; = node1; } if (node1P != null)// why? = node2; // what about the head and tail nodes? // update them accordingly }

117 117/ 124 Singly-Linked List (SLL) void swap(Node node1, Node node2, Node node1P, Node node2P) { if ( == node2) {// side-by-side (1 st case) =; = node1; } else {// 2 nd case Node temp =; =; = temp; = node1; } if (node1P != null)// why? = node2; // what about the head and tail nodes? // update them accordingly }

118 118/ 124 Singly-Linked List (SLL) void swap(Node node1, Node node2, Node node1P, Node node2P) { if ( == node2) {// side-by-side (1 st case) =; = node1; } else {// 2 nd case Node temp =; =; = temp; = node1;// the node before node2 } if (node1P != null)// why? = node2; // what about the head and tail nodes? // update them accordingly }

119 119/ 124 Singly-Linked List (SLL) void swap(Node node1, Node node2, Node node1P, Node node2P) { if ( == node2) {// side-by-side (1 st case) =; = node1; } else {// 2 nd case Node temp =; =; = temp; = node1;// the node before node2 } if (node1P != null)// why? = node2; // what about the head and tail nodes? // update them accordingly }

120 120/ 124 Singly-Linked List (SLL) void swap(Node node1, Node node2, Node node1P, Node node2P) { if ( == node2) {// side-by-side (1 st case) =; = node1; } else {// 2 nd case Node temp =; =; = temp; = node1;// the node before node2 } if (node1P != null)// why? = node2; // what about the head and tail nodes? // update them accordingly }

121 121/ 124 Singly-Linked List (SLL)  Sorting:  So swap is not straightforward

122 122/ 124 Singly-Linked List (SLL)  Sorting:  So swap is not straightforward  Once you figure out swap, you can implement Bubble and Selection Sort

123 123/ 124 Singly-Linked List (SLL)  Sorting:  So swap is not straightforward  Once you figure out swap, you can implement Bubble and Selection Sort  Try to implement the Sorting Methods for Linked Lists

124 124/ 124 Summary  Arrays/ArrayLists: useful data structures but not always optimal. Retrieval very quick, insertion can be slow  Stacks/Queues: Abstract data types useful for LIFO/FIFO storage. Implemented using arrays/SLLs  Linked Lists: Alternative to arrays – insertion is fast but retrieval is slow.

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