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Understanding Populations

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1 Understanding Populations

2 How Populations Change in Size
Objectives 1. Describe the three main properties of a population. 2. Describe exponential population growth. 3. Describe how the reproductive behavior of individuals can affect the growth rate of their population. 4. Explain how population sizes in nature are regulated.

3 What is a population? All members of a species living in the same place at the same time Properties of Populations Density – the number of individuals per unit area or volume

4 Dispersion – the relative distribution or arrangement of its individuals within a given amount of space Size – actual number of individuals

5 How does a population grow
More births than deaths Growth rate – change in pop. Over time Change in pop. Size = births - deaths

6 How fast can a population grow
Reproductive potential – the max number of offspring that each member of a population can produce

7 Most organisms have a high reproductive potential because few offspring actually survive

8 Potential increases when individuals produce more offspring at a time, more often, and reproduction early (shortens generation time – ave. time it takes to reach reproductive age)

9 Small animals usually have a shorter generation time than larger animals

10 Exponential Growth As a population grows, it grows faster Occurs in nature when populations have plenty of food and space and no competition

11 What limits population growth
Carrying capacity - max pop. That the ecosystem can support indefinitely Amount of resources – limited resources determines carrying capacity

12 Competition within a population
Territory Food mates

13 Types of population regulation
Density dependent – density, of individuals affects growth’ all individuals are affected diseases

14 Density independent – certain portions of the pop
Density independent – certain portions of the pop. May die regardless of the pop. Density Severe weather, natural disasters

15 How Species Interact Objectives
1. Explain the difference between niche and habitat. 2. Give examples of parts of a niche. 3. Describe the five major types of interactions between species. 4. Explain the difference between parasitism and predation. 5. Explain how symbiotic relationships may evolve.

16 Organism’s niche Unique role of a species within an ecosystem or a pattern of use of its habitat or it’s “job” Includes physical home, environmental factors necessary for survival, and all interactions

17 Ways species interact Competition – both harmful Relationship in which different individuals or population attempt to use the same limited resource

18 Within and between species
Between different species it’s called overlap

19 Competition is reduced by
Indirect competition – when species do not come into contact with each other Competition is reduced by Evolution – better adaptations Divide niche in time and space

20 Predation – 1 benefits and the other is harmed
Populations of predators depend on populations of prey

21 Adaptations to avoid predators
Camouflage used to lie and wait or hide Warning coloration Mimicry Protective covering

22 Parasitism – 1 benefits, other is harmed or killed
Parasite (flees, ticks, tape and heartworms, leaches, mistletoe Host

23 Mutualism – both benefit
Bees and flowers Commensalism – 1 benefits, the other is unaffected “hitchhikers”, birds and trees

24 Symbiosis – close relationship

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