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The Env. And Society Ch. 1 sec. 2. Sharing Common Resources  Ocean – transporting and fishing  Neighborhood Park - sports, outdoor activities.

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Presentation on theme: "The Env. And Society Ch. 1 sec. 2. Sharing Common Resources  Ocean – transporting and fishing  Neighborhood Park - sports, outdoor activities."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Env. And Society Ch. 1 sec. 2

2 Sharing Common Resources  Ocean – transporting and fishing  Neighborhood Park - sports, outdoor activities

3 “Tragedy of Commons”  Garrett Hardin  Overuse of land area which led to destruction

4 “Tragedy of Commons”  Responsibility of maintaining resource  If not, then resource will be overused and become depleted

5 Economics and the Env.  Law of Supply and Demand –The greater the demand for a limited supply of something, the more that thing is worth –Oil and price

6 Costs and Benefits  Cost benefit analysis –Balances the cost of the action against the benefits one expects from it.  Results depend on who is doing it (industry/neighborhood)

7 Risk Assessment  The cost of any action is the risk of an undesirable outcome  Cost analysis includes a risk assessment An Example... Crossing The Road

8 Developed countries  higher average incomes,  slower population growth  diverse industrial economies  stronger social support Australia, Austria, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Russia, the UK, and the US

9 Developing countries  Lower average incomes  Simple and ag based economies  Rapid pop growth

10 Developed and deleveloping  Have different consumption patterns which affect the env. in different ways

11 Population and Consumption  Env. Problems causes: 1. Human population in some areas is growing too quickly for env. to support it

12 Population and Consumption  Env. Problems causes: 2. People are using up, wasting, or polluting many natural resources faster than they can be replaced or cleaned up.

13 Population Pressures  Population increases too fast, may not have enough resources to support it.  Malnutrition  Starvation  disease

14 Consumption Trends  Developed countries rate of consumption creates more waste and pollution per person than in developing countries

15 Ecological footprint  the productive area of Earth need to support one person in a particular country


17 Sustainable World  Sustainability = the condition in which human needs are met in such a a way that a human population can survive

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