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Promoting Quality through Shared Services Focus Group feedback from New York early care and learning providers.

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Presentation on theme: "Promoting Quality through Shared Services Focus Group feedback from New York early care and learning providers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Promoting Quality through Shared Services Focus Group feedback from New York early care and learning providers

2 Focus Group Goal and Objectives Goal To inform NYS ECAC decision making regarding introduction of a a shared services web platform as a strategy to strengthen our statewide system and foster high quality early learning services  Focus Group Objectives  Introduce early care and learning providers to web platform as a potential statewide resource  Obtain feedback on participants’ general interest in accessing a NY shared services website; site resources of greatest perceived value; and potential roadblocks to future use.

3 Who were the participants?  Three sites – NYC, Albany, Rochester  Urban, suburban and rural  Range of provider types  Child care centers, child care networks, Head Start programs, family and group programs, after school programs, special needs programs  Demonstrated commitment to quality in programs  n = 36 directors and senior managers

4 Key Findings Participants were positive about potential access to a shared services web site targeted to early care and learning providers Three primary concerns:  Cost  quality and reliability of information provided  actual ease of navigating through the site NYC providers believed inclusion of City of New York standards and links within the web platform was critical to the web site being a resource of significant interest Providers were open to the possibility of building additional ECE alliances to support operations and move their mission

5 Web platform topics of greatest interest to focus group participants On line training 31 Staff development27 Leadership and management21 Administrative policies21 Partnership with families20 Family handbook18 Library resources17 QualitystarsNY16 n = 36

6 Other participant observations Would my needs really be addressed? Would quality and diversity of programming be supported v. cookie cutter practices? Will this be voluntary? Could other values be advanced in creating the NY web site, e.g. promoting green products or supporting local vendors and distributors? Interest in regional and local alliances Keep informed

7 Questions?

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