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11 School Board Monitoring Report: Capacity Update Arlington Public Schools April 29, 2010.

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1 11 School Board Monitoring Report: Capacity Update Arlington Public Schools April 29, 2010

2 22 Strategies to Address Crowding for FY 2011

3 33 Progressive Planning Model – Timing Phase I – Immediate FY 2010 Plan Phase II – Short-Term Approximately 1-3 Years (may need to be accelerated) PlanPhase III – Mid-Term Approximately 4-6 Years (may need to be accelerated) Plan Phase IV – Long-Term Approximately 6+ Years (may need to be accelerated) 2010 2016

4 44 Progressive Planning Model Phase I Consider for Immediate Action for September 2010 ElementarySecondary Convert computer labs and/or other available space to classrooms (e.g., convert six existing computer labs to classrooms)* Implement 6/7 scheduling model Increase class size by one based on recommended maximum class size* Add relocatable classrooms* Consider moving individual preK classes * Options dependent on and to be addressed as part of the FY 2011 budget process Progressive Planning Model Phase II Consider in the Short-Term (may need to be accelerated) ElementarySecondary Add relocatable classrooms Convert computer labs and/or other available space to classrooms Increase recommended maximum class size by an additional one student

5 5 Progressive Planning Model Phase III Consider in the Mid-Term (may need to be accelerated) ElementarySecondary Consolidate program by creating centers (e.g., preK) Implement a staggered school day with two-bell schedules at high schools Utilize other county building spaceConsider flexible school day at high school Team options Consider use of Career Center Countywide options Progressive Planning Model Phase IV Consider in the Long-Term (may need to be accelerated) ElementarySecondary Develop Wilson siteRedistrict secondary schools Redistrict elementary schools

6 66 Superintendent’s Proposed Class Size Increases for 2010-11 ElementaryCurrent (PF/Max) Proposed (PF/Max) Kindergarten; Montessori 3-522/2323/24 Grade 119/2320/24 Grades 2 & 321/2522/26 Grades 4 & 523/27 ATS; Elem Mont (Grades 1-3)23/2424/25 Capacity Planning Factor for K- 5 Classroom 22.3323.33

7 77 Superintendent’s Proposed Class Size and Utilization Rate Increases for 2010-11 SecondaryCurrentProposed Middle School22.423.4 High School23.424.4 Capacity Planning Factor for Secondary Core Classrooms 2021

8 8 Result of Increasing Class Size and Utilization Rate Increases number of seats −Elementary: 458 −Middle: 170 + 570 −High: 170 + 600 Lowers building utilization by accommodating more children in same number of classrooms Decreases the number of teachers relative to number of students, although increases in enrollment will result in net addition of teachers

9 9 Increase Number of Teaching Stations Where Needed Convert computer labs and add relocatables when number of teaching stations exceeds building Decisions made based on: −updated Spring Projections and Staffing −adoption of the Operating Budget −conversations with Principals, Maintenance department and Senior Staff

10 1010 2010 Possible Relocatables and Conversions SchoolSummer 2010 BarrettInstall 4 Relocatables; 1 as backup GlebeAdd 4 Relocatables Carlin SpringsAdd 4 Relocatables; convert computer lab NottinghamAdd 4 Relocatables; 3 as backup/return to vendor OakridgeConvert two interior spaces (computer lab or other) AshlawnConvert computer lab HB Woodlawn/StratfordAdd 2 Relocatables Washington-LeeConvert existing space; Relocatable Williamsburg3 unit complex as backup

11 11 Relocatable Purchases Becoming more forward-thinking in our planning, looking several years out Moving from a lease to purchase strategy with staggered implementation, in order to save money in the long term Extended purchase term; payoff in 2-3 years

12 12 PreK Move Considerations Moving PreK Classes can provide space, but options carefully weighed Criteria under consideration include: −Proximity −Capacity −Transportation from APS −Location −Impact on School Staff −Instructional Benefits

13 13 Site ValuesPreK Move Criteria (Receiving School) Proximity Potential students can walk to school without crossing major streets or intersections Potential students live within one-mile of school Potential students will require transportation Capacity School has capacity and physical space for class School has capacity, but no identified physical space at this time School is over capacity Transportat ion No transportation required except for special needs Some transportation may be required Transportation required for all or most of potential students Location Centrally located for potential students More centrally located than other options Not centrally located Impact on School Staff Will not require additional staffing beyond teacher and aide, if appropriate Requires less than 0.5 FTE additional staffing beyond teacher and aide, if appropriate Requires more than 05. FTE additional staffing beyond teacher and aide, if appropriate Impact on Education Provides educational benefit, i.e., integration with other PK class No ChangeCreates isolated class

14 14 Location of VPI Students 2009-2010

15 15 Plan for Unexpected Increase in Enrollment Close monitoring of enrollment through summer Monitor individual sites with potential enrollment changes weekly Convert computer labs or other interior spaces Keep current on-site relocatables on hold until early fall Manage any unexpected enrollment shifts with individual school principal and community, Personnel, Dept of Instruction and Facilities & Operations Dept

16 1616 Elementary Strategies StrategyDatePhase Monitor and assess current staffing and building utilization following adoption of FY11 Budget including relocatables May 20101 & 2 Identify spaces in buildings that could be converted to classroom spaces due to unexpected enrollment increases June 20101 & 2 Confirm with building principals adherence to and impact of existing transfer policies June 20101 Monitor Kindergarten enrollment on a bi-weekly basis during the summer July/August 2010 1 Monitor September enrollment numbers with adjustments made after September 30, 2010 Count September/ October 2010 1 & 2 Initiate dialogue around team options and countywide programs, including Montessori October 20103 Review and revise, if necessary, Admissions and Transfers policy October 20104 Develop time line to consider opening PK Center 2011-12October 20104

17 1717 Secondary Strategies StrategyDatePhase Monitor and assess current staffing and building utilization following adoption of FY11 Budget including relocatables May 20101 & 2 Schedule courses at Washington-Lee for 2010-2011 with early classes (3 Grade 12 classes & 3 Grade 11 classes) May 20103 Identify spaces in buildings that could be converted to classroom spaces due to unexpected enrollment increases June 20101 & 2 Monitor the 6/7 model and other scheduling initiatives undertaken at the secondary level September 2010 1 & 2 Monitor September enrollment numbers with adjustments made after September 30, 2010 Count September/ October 2010 1 & 2 Continue planning around Career Center optionsSeptember 2010 3 Review and revise, if necessary, Admissions and Transfers policy October 20104

18 1818 Next Steps Collaborate with schools in implementation of options to address anticipated crowding Work with the Projections/Capacities Sub-Committee of the Facilities Advisory Council (P/CS), –to monitor the progress of our short-term strategies –to begin discussing Phase II-IV strategies Next Board update: November 2010

19 1919 School Board Monitoring Report: Capacity Update Arlington Public Schools April 29, 2010

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