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Educating Farmers About Precision Agriculture Spring 2003 Summer Ashcroft.

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Presentation on theme: "Educating Farmers About Precision Agriculture Spring 2003 Summer Ashcroft."— Presentation transcript:

1 Educating Farmers About Precision Agriculture Spring 2003 Summer Ashcroft

2 What is Precision Agriculture? n Concept of treating small areas of a field as separate units n Using information to better manage farms

3 How is Precision Agriculture Used? n Combine yield monitors n GPS n Satellite imaging n Grid Sampling n Remote sensing

4 Why is Precision Agriculture Important? n 28 humans die from hunger and malnutrition each minute- 21 are children n World population 6.3 billion and increasing n Cropland available is decreasing with population n Need to find ways to produce more food on less land

5 Where can people find information? n *EDUCATION IS KEY* n Extension- in-service, demonstrations, youth programs n Research n Internet n University n Books n Private Organizations- CGIAR

6 How do people learn? n Open-minded and motivated n Teacher must have skills and knowledge and positive attitude n Learner must be willing to change current practices n Teacher must consider culture and beliefs of learner

7 What people learn n People Retain: –10% of what is read –20% of what is heard –50% of what is seen –70% of what they say –90% of what they do

8 Teaching Farmers/Producers n 1. Consider feelings, attitudes, beliefs n 2. Diagnose gap between what they want and the current level of performance n 3. Identify problems with equipment and resources. n 4. Involve producer in formulating needs and goals. n 5. Contribute opinions to producer

9 Teaching Farmers/Producers n 6. Present resources to farmers n 7. Help producer select resources, methods, options n 8. Assist with application process n 9. Help measure progress of change

10 Adoption of New Technology n Awareness n Interest n Evaluation n Trial n Final Adoption

11 Sources n “International Agriculture” textbook, 1994 n “The Precision-Farming Guide for Agriculturists”, 1997 n Soil 4213 information n Agec 3503 information, Dr. Sanders- from various sources n

12 Any Questions?? THANK YOU!

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