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CceHUB An Environment for Collaborative Cancer Research Ann Christine Catlin CCE Annual Retreat May 26, 2010 clinical dataobservational & scientific data.

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Presentation on theme: "CceHUB An Environment for Collaborative Cancer Research Ann Christine Catlin CCE Annual Retreat May 26, 2010 clinical dataobservational & scientific data."— Presentation transcript:

1 cceHUB An Environment for Collaborative Cancer Research Ann Christine Catlin CCE Annual Retreat May 26, 2010 clinical dataobservational & scientific data decision supportintegrative & predictive tools

2 Sample Collection Clinical Patient Data Laboratory Analysis Visual Analytics Predictive Modeling Data & Tools Sample Collection Clinical Patient Data Predictive Modeling Laboratory Analysis Visual Analytics CCE Research Workflow Sharing Data, Tools, Analysis & Knowledge

3 cceHUB Building “Community” for Cancer Care Engineering Research cceHUB development begins cceHUB goes online what does cceHUB offer today ? June 2008 20 April 2009 2 May 2010 26

4 Clinical Data Statistics on cceHUB Sample and Patient Tracking Database Total Patients Diagnosis % Data Lifestyle % Data Cancer/Polyp Patients 2 / 3 blood draws Treatment % Data patients17199%70%25 / 6618 / 333% First patient CCE001 enrolled on April 2, 2009 Most recent patient CCE203 enrolled on May 25, 2010 Maximum patients enrolled on a single day September 23, 2009 = 9 Downtime April 2009 – May 2010 during enrollment transfer cceHUB = 4 hours Oncore = 21 days Database Total Samples Total Aliquots Distributed IUSCC Labs Transferred Purdue Distributed Purdue Labs samples1923748 185 x 2 Klaunig 185 x 1 Xu169 53 x 2 Raftery 70 x 1 Teegarden 65 x 1 Adamec

5 Clinical Data Contribution Data Entry and Processing: Support for the Clinical Workflow

6 Clinical Data Views Data View & Search: Support for Clinical Data Exploration

7 Laboratory Datasets Statistics on cceHUB Dataset Upload and Tracking Repository Adamec Global Proteomics Klaunig Comet Assay Klaunig Anti- Oxidant Xu Lipidomics Raftery NMR Metabolomics datasets65 mzXML1 spreadsheet 1 CSV 1 spreadsheet 1 CSV 1 spreadsheet 1 CSV 1 spreadsheet 1 CSV samples65551194653 aliquots92106 First dataset uploaded from Xu Laboratory January 5, 2010 Most recent dataset uploaded from Adamec Laboratory April 12, 2010 Largest file uploaded 190900067bytes April 9, 2010 < 4 seconds transfer time Percent files tracked to patient clinical data 100% Percent files tracked to instrument, laboratory, preparation protocol, samples 100% Percent files available from repository to view, search, process, analyze 100%

8 Data Repository Upload Data Annotation and Tracking: Support for the Laboratory Workflow

9 Data Repository Views Data View & Search: Support for Laboratory Data Exploration

10 Community Viewing Statistics on cceHUB Data View and Search April - May 2010 Clinical Data Viewer Data Repository Viewer Sample Acquisition Workflow Visits12,9483,1802,577

11 Modeling Tools cceHUB Tools: Support for Modeling Workflow

12 Modeling Tools cceHUB Tools: Decision Support for Physicians

13 Data Analysis Sharing Analyzing, Browsing & Exploring the Data

14 Using cceHUB Who’s at the Website? One Year Web HitsVisitorsVisits Core UsersCore Tool Users 4/09-4/101,550,65810,44329,855254062 One Year Core UsersCore Tool Users 4/09-4/10254062 USA42%100% Asia28% Europe21% Other9% Education90%86% Industry4%5% Government5%

15 Using cceHUB Who’s Using our Website the Most? Population Models Integrative Models Analysis Models Clinical Team Tool Developer Visualization Tools hub logineashererlin43elcinictendcregarbaaraaapattath # logins2941039415933337 cceHUB wall-time 12093 hours 2329 hours 5023 hours 1156 hours 4660 hours 499 hours cceHUB interaction 3833 hours 39 hours 63 hours 1032 hours 214 hours 246 hours workspace wall-time 11985 hours 2329 hours 5023 hours 4408 hours 499 hours workspace CPU time 1993 hours 89 hours 1737 hours tools used53152 acc # logins = 1409 tools used = 12 workspace wall-time = 7218 hours

16 HUBzero-Powered Leveraging a Powerful Research Environment User Groups authorization, secure data, access control, specialized analysis tools Community-Shared Resources publications, teaching materials, web-based contribution, linkage, tags, search Portal to Tools shared development, execution power, analysis & visualization in your browser Community feedback ratings, usage statistics, wikis, blogs

17 Workflows serve all research groups, cover complete biological data life-cycle Massive Datasets annotate, upload, link to clinical date, archive, backup, share Clinical Data link to hospital database, shared across community contribute, view, search Knowledge share across community data, workflows, models, results Analysis Tools data access, replay Data Support cceHUB Brings New Data Technology to the HUB

18 Genomics Project with Notre Dame cce HUB plus We have the technology! Prostate Cancer Project with Purdue Center for Cancer Research The Next Phase Collaborative Knowledge Acquisition with Shared Data and Shared Analysis Tissue Project with MD Anderson Tissue Project with MD Anderson Thymoma Project with Yale University Medical School Thymoma Project with Yale University Medical School

19 The Next Phase What Do You Want cceHUB To Do For You ? Your Image Here

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