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Attention-Directing Composition of Ying Cao Rynson W.H. Lau Elements Look Over Here: Antoni B. Chan City University of Hong Kong.

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Presentation on theme: "Attention-Directing Composition of Ying Cao Rynson W.H. Lau Elements Look Over Here: Antoni B. Chan City University of Hong Kong."— Presentation transcript:

1 Attention-Directing Composition of Ying Cao Rynson W.H. Lau Elements Look Over Here: Antoni B. Chan City University of Hong Kong

2 Composition of manga elements (i.e., subjects and balloons ) Motivation © Tsugumi Ohba, Takeshi Obata / Shueisha Inc.

3 Manga artist guides viewer’s eyes through the page Motivation © Tsugumi Ohba, Takeshi Obata / Shueisha Inc. Artist’s Guiding Path (AGP) Viewer Attention

4 Motivation One of the most difficult steps in manga production No existing comic creation programs for automatic composition

5 Goal 1.Rabbit, I came here for gold, 2. and I'm gonna get it! 3. I gotcha, you rabbit! I'll show you! Close-up Fast Long Medium Close-up Medium Big Close-up Medium You can't do this to me! Eureka! Gold at last! 1 2 3 4 5 Talk

6 Related Work Balloon Placement [Kurlander et al. 1996] [Chun et al. 2006]

7 Eye-tracking Techniques for Comic Analysis and Creation [Jain et al. 2012][Toyoura et al. 2012] Related Work

8 Computational Manga [Qu et al. 2006] [Qu et al. 2008] [Cao et al. 2012] Related Work

9 Overview Input Storyboard Layout Probabilistic Graphical Model Input Infer Learn Data

10 Probabilistic Graphical Model

11 Data Acquisition 80 manga pages from three manga series Annotation [Motion state] [Shot type] [Panel Shape] [Subject] [Balloon] Eye movements of viewers

12 Probabilistic Graphical Model Abstracts artist’s guiding path as a latent variable Used for composition synthesis Connects artist’s guiding path, composition and viewer attention in a probabilisitc network Artist’s Guiding Path Composition Viewer Attention

13 Subject Placement Balloon Placement Viewer Attention (eye-gaze path) Local Composition in Panel Panel Properties Artist’s Guiding Path Probabilistic Graphical Model

14 Subject Placement Balloon Placement Viewer Attention (eye-gaze path) Local Composition in Panel Panel Properties Artist’s Guiding Path Probabilistic Graphical Model

15 Artist’s Guiding Path actual AGP underlying AGP

16 Subject Placement Balloon Placement Viewer Attention (eye-gaze path) Local Composition in Panel Panel Properties Artist’s Guiding Path Probabilistic Graphical Model

17 Panel Properties and Local Composition Model

18 Subject Placement Balloon Placement Viewer Attention (eye-gaze path) Local Composition in Panel Panel Properties Artist’s Guiding Path Probabilistic Graphical Model

19 Subject Placement

20 Balloon Placement Viewer Attention (eye-gaze path) Local Composition in Panel Panel Properties Artist’s Guiding Path Probabilistic Graphical Model

21 Balloon Placement

22 Subject Placement Balloon Placement Viewer Attention (eye-gaze path) Local Composition in Panel Panel Properties Artist’s Guiding Path Probabilistic Graphical Model

23 Viewer Attention

24 Complete Model

25 Interactive Composition Synthesis

26 Generate a composition, subject to user-specified semantics Layout Generation + Composition Synthesis 1.Rabbit, I came here for gold, 2. and I'm gonna get it! 3. I gotcha, you rabbit! I'll show you! Input: subject & script Close-up Fast shot type & motion state Talk inter-subject constraint

27 Layout Generation … Database of labeled pages [# of panels ] [# of subjects] [# of balloons] [shot type] [motion state]

28 Composition Synthesis Configurations of elements A Maximum A Posteriori inference framework Constraint-based likelihoodConditional prior Input elements & semantics + Layout Constraints

29 Constraint-based likelihood


31 Results and Evaluation

32 Comparison to Heuristic Method for Balloon Placement Our approachHeuristic [Chun et al. 2006]

33 Comparison to Heuristic Method for Balloon Placement Our approachHeuristic [Chun et al. 2006]

34 Comparison to Manual Method User study: How well does our approach facilitate manga composition, as compared to existing manual tool? Participant preference votingTime for one composition

35 Eye-tracking Experiment and Analysis Is our approach effective in directing viewer attention, as compared with the alternatives? To measure fixation consistency across different viewers Similarity metrics:1.Inlier percent 2.Root Mean Squared Distance (RMSD)

36 Eye-tracking Experiment and Analysis 1.Inlier percent Viewer A Saliency Map Viewer B Inliers Classification

37 RMSD, 2.RMSD Viewer A Viewer B Eye-tracking Experiment and Analysis


39 Comparison to Existing Manga Pages OriginalSynthesized © Tsugumi Ohba, Takeshi Obata / Shueisha Inc.

40 Summary A novel model for representing dependency among the artist’s guiding path, composition and viewer attention A novel approach for joint composition of subjects and balloons Enable easy and quick creation of attention-directing compositions

41 Limitations & Future Work Consider visual appearance of manga elements Extend to other graphic design tasks Understand readers’ behaviors

42 Thanks

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