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Amnesty International Presented by: Kristina Brady, Volunteer.

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Presentation on theme: "Amnesty International Presented by: Kristina Brady, Volunteer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Amnesty International Presented by: Kristina Brady, Volunteer

2 Who Makes Up Amnesty International? Republicans Democrats Teachers Doctors Lawyers Students 75% of the Activist Base are High School and College Students Federal and State Employees Military Leaders CEO’s Everyone

3 Amnesty International Began in 1961 Noble Peace Prize in 1976 Research is the Core Competency Networks and the Volunteer Base are also Core Competencies Largest Human Rights Organization in the World Research Utilized by Presidents, State Department, United Nations, Lawyers, Educators, Local Newspapers etc.

4 What is Amnesty’s Mission? We are people from across the world standing up for humanity and human rights. Our purpose is to protect people wherever justice, freedom, truth and dignity are denied. We investigate and expose abuses, educate and mobilize the public, and help transform societies to create a safer, more just world. We received the Nobel Peace Prize for our life-saving work.human rights With more than 2.2 million supporters, activists and volunteers in over 150 countries, and complete independence from government, corporate or national interests, we work to protect human rights worldwide. Our vision is of a world in which every person - regardless of race, religion, gender, or ethnicity - enjoys all of the human rights enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other international human rights standards.Universal Declaration of Human Rights

5 What Does Amnesty International Use for Guidelines? Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) UN Declaration on the Rights of the Child Same UDHR Principles Armed Conflict Child Soldiers Bonded and Exploitative Child Labor Child Trafficking Convention on the Elimination on All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) Discrimination Trafficking Education Voting Many Other International Treaties

6 Community (Geographic/Economic) International Community (All over the world through various campaigns) Stop Violence Against Women Campaign – Juarez, Mexico Darfur – Women, Refugees, Arms Trade, Displacement Child Soldiers – Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) Prisoner’s of Conscience – Around the world, imprisoned based on beliefs, religion, sexual orientation, nationality, ethnicity United States Detention Centers – Rights of Asylum Seekers, Torture Survivors etc. Local Lobbying Representatives on Various Campaigns Hutto Detention Center – Vigils Letter Writing for Individuals at Risk Education on Various Campaigns and Human Rights Abuses Concert Tabling

7 Specific Services Media/Public Relations Press Releases Letters to the Editor Education Film Screenings Conferences Concert Tabling Letter Writing - Release of Individuals at Risk Lobbying Local Representatives to Sign Bills

8 Commitment Levels and Needs Daily, Weekly, Monthly as much or as little as your able Focus on Specific Campaign(s) or Individuals at Risk Plan Film Screenings, Conferences or Educational Discussions Focus on Amnesty’s National Priorities

9 Who can Serve and is any Training Required? Who Can Serve? All Ages can serve There is a Children’s Campaign Training Required? Most Information Provided on Website Trainers and Staff are Available

10 Sharing of Gospel? How are the Needs of Those Serviced Met? Sharing of Gospel Amnesty does not support any form of religion or faith but does partner with many churches across the country There is an annual Faith in Action Campaign If you’re hosting an event you can share the Gospel How are needs of those serviced met? Behind the scenes through letter writing, media outreach/PR, educating communities on issues and lobbying representatives

11 Measures of Success Freed Individuals at Risk Representatives Signing onto Bills Media Coverage of Events Articles in the Newspaper Educating the Public Adding More Members

12 What has Happened in the Lives of Volunteers? Increased Awareness of Global Community Made Individuals Research and Reach a Stance on Key Issues Set the Course of a Career Path Public Policy Law Non-Profit within and without the U.S. Entrepreneurship Grew in Leadership Ability, Communication Skills and Confidence Realization that One Person Can Make a Difference

13 Program Ideas Start an Amnesty Group at the Church Use Amnesty as a Base and Organize a Peace and Social Justice Committee Host a Human Rights (HR) Film Night for the Local and Church Community Amnesty can provide films, books, letters, petitions and contacts with other organizations Pick a Specific Individual at Risk and Have the Church Write on It Pick a Specific Country for the Church to Focus on Engage the Youth in Letter Writing and Invite other Youth Organizations Utilize the Research for other Service Activities

14 Helpful Websites Amnesty International USA, Amnesty International (Global Website), Amnesty International (Local Website), Save Darfur, Invisible Children,

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