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ITU since GSC-11 and beyond Malcolm Johnson Director, Telecommunication Standardization Bureau, ITU SOURCE:ITU-T TITLE:ITU since GSC-11 and beyond AGENDA.

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Presentation on theme: "ITU since GSC-11 and beyond Malcolm Johnson Director, Telecommunication Standardization Bureau, ITU SOURCE:ITU-T TITLE:ITU since GSC-11 and beyond AGENDA."— Presentation transcript:

1 ITU since GSC-11 and beyond Malcolm Johnson Director, Telecommunication Standardization Bureau, ITU SOURCE:ITU-T TITLE:ITU since GSC-11 and beyond AGENDA ITEM:Opening Plenary – 4.6 CONTACT:Malcolm Johnson ( [gsc12_open_12 ]

2 Outline ITU-T ITU-R

3 ITU Plenipotentiary Conference November 2006, Antalya, Turkey PP ’06 Top policy-making body of ITU; asked ITU, among others, –to strengthen its core competencies, esp. in radiocommunications and standardization, in a rapidly changing ICT environment –to enhance partnerships with private sector, regional organizations, NGOs, PSOs, … –to promote initiatives relating to emergency communications In particular, ITU-T is asked to Build confidence and security in the use of ICTs Assist members in deploying NGN effectively Highlight the contribution of ICTs to development Review the International Telecommunication Regulations Bridge the standardization gap

4 WSIS: ITU leading UN agency ITU is principal moderator/facilitator of Action lines С2. Information and communication infrastructure C5. Building confidence and security in the use of ICTs ITU is co-facilitator of five other action lines (out of 11), among them: C6. Enabling Environment (-> use of, and access to, radio frequency spectrum)

5 ITU-T work highlights 2006/7 NGN-GSI (Global Standards Initiative), IPTV, cybersecurity including identity management, ubiquitous networks, multimedia conferencing, videocoding, broadband access, packet based transport, fibre optics, home networking 231 Recs/supplements published (2006) 30%> in 2006 of over 2005 in terms of meeting documents processed 61 meetings (44 in Geneva, 17 outside) –Increase of 13% over 2005 Workshops included: Fully networked car; Digital identity; Public warning; Grids; Multilingual Internet; RFID GPON Interoperability demonstrations ITU, ISO, IEC agreed common patent policy, including guidelines and form ITU-T Recommendations are available online without charge (trial)

6 ITU-T Focus Groups Identity Management - Exploring mechanisms that allow different IdM frameworks to interoperate together From/In/To Cars Communication – Finishes work on specifications for transmission characteristics for headsets and hands free terminals Dec 07 IPTV - Coordinating and promoting the development of global IPTV standards; - finishes work Dec 07, then input into study groups Security Baseline for Network Operators - Defining a security baseline so that operators can assess their network and information security posture in terms of available standards NGN Management - Providing a centralized approach regarding specification of NGN related fault, configuration, accounting, performance, and security management interfaces. Open Communications Architecture Forum - Defining specifications for a set of components for a new carrier grade open platforms

7 ITU-T Outreach Activities Upcoming workshops: –Multimedia in NGN; Geneva, 10–11 September 07 –Bridging the Standardization Divide Mendoza, Argentina, 24 September 07 –Bridging the Standardization Gap in Developing Countries Kigali, 2- 4 October 07 –Innovations in NGN; Geneva, 12-13 May 08 Targeted at academia, R&D. Call for papers issued 31 May 07 Communication with forums and consortia, SDOs (see backup slides: ITU-T A.4., A.5, A.6 qualified orgs) Outreach with e.g. 3GPP, IEEE, Open Grid Forum, IETF Proposal to share events information: see separate document

8 World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly WTSA sets direction/structure of ITU-T Establishes the study group structure Approves their expected work programme Appoints their chairmen and vice-chairmen WTSA Resolutions: Regional preparatory meetings NEW: Global Standards Symposium 2008 –1 day prior to WTSA –Themes:  Reducing the standardization gap  Improving collaboration

9 RRC-06 (15 May- 16 June 2006) –Adopted Regional Agreement with frequency assignment and allotment plan for digital broadcasting (TV and sound) in VHF and UHF bands for parts of Regions 1 and 3 Centenary of the ITU Radio Regulations (October 2006) –The first International Radiotelegraph Convention was signed in 1906 by 29 maritime states, establishing the principle of compulsory intercommunication between vessels at sea and the land, with related regulations governing wireless telegraphy BR Seminars/Workshops –International spectrum management, frequency monitoring, broadband wireless access (as applicable in several regions), fixed- mobile convergence, transition from existing mobile networks to IMT-2000 Some key ITU-R activities since GCS-11 (1)

10 Radiocommunication Advisory Group (RAG) (January 2007) –Considerations on optimizing the structure of ITU-R Study Groups in the light of converging services and systems Conference Preparatory Meeting for WRC-07 (2 nd session) (February 2007) –Prepared Report to WRC-07 containing the technical bases ITU-R Study Group activities –Draft texts for CPM report –Recommendations, Reports and Handbooks (many in support of WRC-07 Agenda Items) Some key ITU-R activities since GCS-11 (2)

11 Telecommunications for emergency and disaster relief IMT-2000 and systems beyond Digital broadcasting BWA in the FS High density applications in the FSS Global broadband Internet access by FSS IP over satellite Point-to-area terrestrial propagation prediction Propagation at infra-red and optical frequencies Options to improve international spectrum regulatory framework Compatibility of passive services with, and protection from active services Notable topics of study in ITU-R

12 Radiocommunication Assembly (RA-07): 15-19 October 2007 World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-07): 22 October-16 November 2007 Conference Preparatory Meeting (CPM-11) (1 st session) for WRC-11: 19-20 November 2007 New ITU-R study period (from RA-07 to RA-11): with possible new Study Group structure Radiocommunication Advisory Group (RAG): one meeting per year Workshops/Seminars: –BR world seminar (December 2008) –several in the regions, in conjunction with BDT Meetings of ITU-R Study Groups + Working Parties: 1-4 times per year, depending on study topic CPM-11 (2 nd session): February 2011 RA-11: October 2011 [TBC] WRC-11: October/November 2011 [TBC] ITU-R: future events and activities

13 Backup Slides

14 ITU-T Rec. A.4: Communication ITU-T and Forums/Consortia 3G Association ASN.1 Consortium ATSC (Advanced Television Systems Committee) AVS (Audio-Visual coding Standard working group) DSL Forum ETIS (e-and telecommunication information services) GSM Association Home Gateway Initiative IMTC (Multimedia) IPDR Organization IPsphere Forum IPv6 Forum Liberty Alliance MEF (Metro Ethernet Forum) MMTA (Mobile Multimedia Technology Alliance) MFA Forum MSF (Multiservice Switching Forum) NRO (Number Resource Organization) OASIS OIF (Optical Internetworking Forum) OMA (Open Mobile Alliance) OMG (Object Management Group) SDL Forum Society SDL Task Force Consortium TM Forum (Tele Management Forum) UNICODE W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) Under study: CEPCA (Consumer Electronics Powerline Communication Alliance), EPC Global, MAAWG, UPnP Forum

15 ITU-T A.6: Communication ITU-T and SDOs ARIB (Association of Radio Industries and Businesses) ATIS ( Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions) CEA (Consumer Electronics Association) CCSA (China Communications Standards Association) Ecma International ETSI (European Telecommunications Standards Institute) IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) JCTEA (Japan Cable Television Engineering Association) NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) SCTE (Society of Cable Telecommunications Engineers) SMPTE (Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers) TIA (Telecommunications Industry Association) TTA (Telecommunications Technology Association) TTC (Telecommunication Technology Committee)

16 ITU-T Rec. A.5: Including References in ITU-T Recs ARIB (Association of Radio Industries and Businesses) ATIS ( Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions) ATSC (Advanced Television Systems Committee) AVS (Audio-Visual coding Standard working group) CCSA (China Communications Standards Association) DSL Forum Ecma International EPC Global ETSI (European Telecommunications Standards Institute) Home Gateway Initiative IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) IMTC (Multimedia) ISOC/IETF (Internet Society/Internet Engineering Task Force) JCTEA (Japan Cable Television Engineering Association) Liberty Alliance MAAWG MEF (Metro Ethernet Forum) MFA Forum NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) OASIS OIF (Optical Internetworking Forum) OMA (Open Mobile Alliance) OMG (Object Management Group) SCTE (Society of Cable Telecommunications Engineers) SMPTE (Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers) TIA (Telecommunications Industry Association) TM Forum (Tele Management Forum) TTA (Telecommunications Technology Association) TTC (Telecommunication Technology Committee) UNICODE UPnP Forum W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) Under study: EPC Global, MAAWG, UPnP Forum

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