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No Secrets and Dignity Anna Morgan National Programme Manager No Secrets.

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Presentation on theme: "No Secrets and Dignity Anna Morgan National Programme Manager No Secrets."— Presentation transcript:

1 No Secrets and Dignity Anna Morgan National Programme Manager No Secrets

2 2 No Secrets and Dignity No Secrets (DH 2000), provided guidance on developing and implementing multiagency policies and procedures to protect vulnerable adults from abuse Safeguarding Adults A Consultation on the Review of the No Secrets Guidance (DH 2008) Consultation from October 2008 to 31 st January 2009

3 3 No Secrets and Dignity Why Review? New Government vision of the kind of society we envisage for the future No secrets guidance should be strengthened. Consider legislation

4 4 No Secrets and Dignity Making the Link Between No Secrets and Dignity Dignity Vulnerable Safeguarding Essence of Care An example to consider

5 5 No Secrets and Dignity The balance between Dignity and Safeguarding…………..


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