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 Corporate entrepreneurship relationship to profitability (Zahra, 1995)  Yang et. al.,(2007) found that each key dimensions related to performance.

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2  Corporate entrepreneurship relationship to profitability (Zahra, 1995)  Yang et. al.,(2007) found that each key dimensions related to performance.  Antoncic and Hisrich (2004) found that CE makes a difference in organizational wealth creation, growth, and profitability  Divided into two perspectives : organizational activities and characteristics of the organization.

3  Based on Sharma & Chrisman, 1999:  corporate venturing,  innovation,  strategic renewal  Seen as outcomes of Corporate Entrepreneurship

4  Characteristics of the organization examine the internal orientation of the organization, (innovation, risk-taking and proactiveness) (Barringer & Bluedorn, 1999).  innovation, proactiveness and risk-taking are the dimensions of CE (Aloulou & Fayolle, 2005; Lassen et al., 2006; Zahra & Garvis, 2000)

5  The study of EO has its roots in the field of strategy research  Demonstrated relationship to performance  Accepted to have three main dimensions: Innovation, risk Taking and Proactiveness

6  Three conditions indentified, referred as enabling characteristics, are:  Reward Configuration (Fátima, et al., 2008; Bhardwaj et al., 2007 )  Organizational Structure (Bhardwaj & Momaya, 2006; Hilton and Art 1998, Zahra, 1991)  Corporate Policies (Kuratko and Goldsby, 2004; Kuratko & Michael, 2004)

7 Corporate Venturing Strategic Renewal Innovation EO Reward Configuration Corporate Policies Organizational Structure Entrepreneurial Orientation Alignment Corporate Entrepreneurship Organizational Performance

8  It is important to specify what we are talking about:  Prevents duplication of effort  Clarifies associated relationships  Allows the field to move forward  Clarified potential practitioner actions and benefits







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