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1 Using a Digital Camera Technology 2. 2 Digital Images Four sources –Digital cameras –Screen grabs –Copy and paste from the Internet –Scanners Advantages.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Using a Digital Camera Technology 2. 2 Digital Images Four sources –Digital cameras –Screen grabs –Copy and paste from the Internet –Scanners Advantages."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Using a Digital Camera Technology 2

2 2 Digital Images Four sources –Digital cameras –Screen grabs –Copy and paste from the Internet –Scanners Advantages of digital images –No film, reusable memory card instead –Photos can be viewed then deleted or saved –Photos can be transferred directly to PC

3 3 Outline of Session Composing pictures “The rule of thirds” Using flash Taking close up pictures Using the camera to record video

4 4 Composing a Picture Keep it simple Remove distractions Have plenty of light Use a tripod

5 5 Change Camera Position

6 6 Select a Suitable Background

7 7 Use an “Infinite Horizon”

8 8 Infinite Horizon

9 9 The Rule of Thirds Circular points are the points of interest and focus for the viewer

10 10 Rule of Thirds

11 11 Rule of Thirds

12 12 Rule of Thirds

13 13 Rule of Thirds

14 14 Using the Flash By default, flash will be used when needed Flash is only effective within 5 metres To change flash settings on your camera, keep pressing the lightning symbol until you get the correct mode

15 15 Turning Flash Off Turn flash off for interiors, for close-up work and taking pictures through glass

16 16 Force Flash On Flash fires even though the camera sensor thinks there is enough light

17 17 Red Eye Fires an initial flash to close the subjects iris before taking the photo to prevent red eye

18 18 Close up Photography Select the macro option on your camera (picture of a tulip) Get as close as you can Don’t use onboard flash, use other lighting instead Select a neutral background Use a tripod

19 19 Taking Pictures of Small Objects

20 20 Pre-Focus To focus on a subject not positioned in the centre of the picture Press the shutter button down half way while making sure your subject is in the centre of the frame, Keep the button pressed half way, recompose the picture and press the button completely to take the picture.

21 21 Recording Video Use a tripod Get as close as you can to the action Make it short and to the point

22 22 Photographing Drawings Make sure you are at right angles to the drawing Glossy posters are difficult to photograph because of the way light reflects from them

23 23 Using the Digital Camera

24 24 Using the Digital Camera

25 25 Using the Digital Camera

26 26 Base of Camera

27 27 SD Memory Card

28 28 SD Memory Card

29 29 Camera Icons

30 30 Buying a Camera Look for 4megapixels or more resolution Lithium ion rechargeable batteries are best Look for some (at least 3x) optical zoom A 256 Mb memory card will hold over 100 photos The camera we are using cost €170 including the card, batteries and case

31 31 Exercises 1.Take a photo of the components, 2.Take a photo of the circuit with some components soldered, 3.Take a photo of the completed circuit

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