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Physics 451 Quantum mechanics I Fall 2012 Nov 5, 2012 Karine Chesnel.

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Presentation on theme: "Physics 451 Quantum mechanics I Fall 2012 Nov 5, 2012 Karine Chesnel."— Presentation transcript:

1 Physics 451 Quantum mechanics I Fall 2012 Nov 5, 2012 Karine Chesnel

2 Homework this week: HW #17 Tuesday Nov 6 by 7pm HW #18 Thursday Nov 8 by 7pm Announcements Quantum mechanics

3 The hydrogen atom What is the density of probability of the electron?

4 The hydrogen atom The angular equation (same) Angular function (same) Azimutal quantum number Magnetic quantum number l m Phys 451

5 The radial equation The hydrogen atom Coulomb’s law: Phys 451

6 Asymptotic behaviors The hydrogen atom The radial equation Phys 451

7 The hydrogen atom Peeling off the asymptotic behaviors Power expansion Recursion formula: Phys 451

8 The hydrogen atom The series must terminate Principal quantum number Phys 451

9 Quantum mechanics Quiz 23a A. one B. two C. n D. n -1 E. An infinity For a given quantum number n, how many values of l can exist?

10 Quantum mechanics The hydrogen atom Ground state: “binding energy” Quantization of the energy Bohr 1913 Principal quantum number

11 Quantum mechanics The hydrogen atom Bohr radius

12 Quantum mechanics The hydrogen atom Energies levels Stationary states n: principal quantum number l: azimuthal quantum number m: magnetic quantum number Degeneracy of n th energy level:

13 Quantum mechanics Quiz 23b A. 5 B. 9 C. 11 D. 25 E. 50 What is the degeneracy of the 5 th energy band of the hydrogen atom?

14 Quantum mechanics The hydrogen atom Energies levels Spectroscopy Energy transition Rydberg constant E 0 E1E1 E2E2 E3E3 E4E4 Lyman Balmer Paschen

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