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Diversity and Discrimination Chapter 11 Jerry Estenson.

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1 Diversity and Discrimination Chapter 11 Jerry Estenson

2 Positive and Negative Aspects of a Diverse Workforce Positive – Assumption that the wider the range of talent, experiences and abilities the greater the competitive advantage Negative – What is acceptable and normal for some is highly objectionable for others – If open system you bring in societies concerns with equality and discrimination

3 Persistent Trends Women tend to make about 75% of what men in similar positions make Unemployment in among young black men is high (25 – 30 percent)

4 Role of business in addressing discrimination “Passive Nondiscrimination” – Obey the law – Utilitarian Make decisions based on job efficiency and skill – Libertarian Jobs as property rights and therefore management should have a great deal of lattitude Affirmative Action – Positive action to prevent or remedy discrimination – People need an equal change to in a position to be hired We do no choose our race, gender or ethnic background

5 Affirmative Action in detail Any policy or action, aimed at securing a more equal workplace, that goes beyond simple legal access or passive nondiscrimination, but that does not alter the standards or qualifications for employment

6 Some Value Laden Terms Equal Opportunity- Provide legal access regardless of gender, race, or ethnic background Affirmative action – positive steps to alleviate unequal treatment. Focus on recruitment – Hiring AA managers Preferential Treatment – Giving preference to previously disadvantaged person – Form of addressing social inequality – Selecting disadvantaged person over more qualified person – Hiring disadvantaged person with only minimal attention to qualifications

7 Preference in action University of Michigan Law School University of Michigan Undergraduate General Motors

8 Some Validity Tests Is the action reasonable Are qualifications fair and open Can we measure qualifications Does the persons background add to or serve as a job qualification

9 Concerns with preference Jobs are viewed as a social good rather than private property The process is backward looking not forward looking Violates a prima facie case that most qualified have a legitimate claim to employment

10 Compelling arguments for preference Compensatory Justice – People are paid in proportion to harm done – People paying the claim are responsible for the harm done – True victims or the actual victim is the one receiving compensation Are payments made to groups or individuals?

11 Sexual Harassment Quid Pro Quo Hostile Work Place Judge – Reasonable Man – Reasonable Person – Reasonable Woman

12 Why made sexual harassment special?

13 What about -- Collegiality “fit in” Connections Strong institutional discrimination that results in a negative effect on a group (women and salaries) Effects on those we are trying to provide for

14 Pure definition of discrimination The ability to make distinctions

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