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The projected population of the U.K. for 2005 ( by age ) The boxOne whisker The other whisker The box can be any depth. median minimum age maximum age.

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Presentation on theme: "The projected population of the U.K. for 2005 ( by age ) The boxOne whisker The other whisker The box can be any depth. median minimum age maximum age."— Presentation transcript:

1 The projected population of the U.K. for 2005 ( by age ) The boxOne whisker The other whisker The box can be any depth. median minimum age maximum age lower quartile upper quartile Box and Whisker Diagrams The diagram can easily be drawn using a cumulative frequency diagram. Ill use the age data that we met earlier.

2 The projected population of the U.K. for 2005 ( by age ) median minimum age maximum age lower quartile upper quartile The diagram can easily be drawn using a cumulative frequency diagram. Box and Whisker Diagrams Ill use the age data that we met earlier.

3 We need a scale. The projected population of the U.K. for 2005 ( by age ) 0 100 50 Age (years) The diagram can easily be drawn using a cumulative frequency diagram. Box and Whisker Diagrams Ill use the age data that we met earlier.

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