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“Data Mining and the Migration of Historical Scientific/Research Data” by Keith Rodrigue Director of Information Technology Stressgen Biotechnologies.

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2 “Data Mining and the Migration of Historical Scientific/Research Data” by Keith Rodrigue Director of Information Technology Stressgen Biotechnologies

3 ABSTRACT: Introduction of large 2B (Target) Solutions in support of Business/Research Cycles require the extraction of historical information from disparate data sources in order to fully utilize their potential. Data and Process Migration: Common Issues, Approaches and Pit Falls

4 The Problem 1.During Infancy Minimal investment One time investment in lab HW Free form processes Lack of formalization in support of creative process 2.Getting to Market Deployment/Support Strategies s.t. external conditions Methods for deployment pressured by Market Perception Education of senior management Education of market place Notion of Earned Value

5 Cultural Issues Corporate Availability of Funding Shifting Goals Managing Up Accelerated Demand for Information External Scrutiny Increased Formalization (ability to scale) Culture Fear of Change Resistance Change Roles Over coming “Learned Helplessness”

6 Adding to the Mix Commercialization Introduction of Senior Management Raising the Bar GLP, GMP, Best Practices Third Party Players Collaboration Re-inventing the Wheel Partner Education Rapid Data Supply (Data Mining) Need for B2B

7 Data and Process Migration

8 Establish Building Blocks Monitor Contract Activity (offers insight into Clinical, Development, Research activities) Monitor Investor Relations Activity Monitor Intellectual Property Activity Establish Purchasing Processes Establish Inventory Instrument Survey Librarian, QA/QC SOP Survey Third Party Activity (Research Partners, Clinical Activities, Statistical Analysis)

9 Peeling the Onion & Closing the Information Gap Inventory and Secure Monitor Activities Passively Formalize Anticipate and Deploy Generate Speculative Solutions Trap workflow, information, and enhance existing processes Introduce options and empowering agents

10 Approaches Big Bang Speed of deployment Rigidity Rapid Application Deployment refinement focus Value Proposition establish baseline, deploy, measure, assess Milestone Focused Collaboration and Partners Build, Modify, Redeploy common functions

11 K.I.S.S. Leverage existing infrastructure Database Integration===> Data Warehouse/LIMS Secure, Establish Meta-Data, Track Document Management (Reliance on gov’t agencies to close the gaps) “Break or Broke”

12 Keys to Success Establishing Trust Acknowledging all sides Team Adoption- Involvement a Must Maintain Flexibility Keep an Eye to External Pressures


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