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The Science Association B/ Kirawanagama Navodya MahaVidyalaya, Haldummulla.

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Presentation on theme: "The Science Association B/ Kirawanagama Navodya MahaVidyalaya, Haldummulla."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Science Association B/ Kirawanagama Navodya MahaVidyalaya, Haldummulla.

2 The world looks closer!

3 we hope, To find how the people get aware of news & sporting events around the world instantly. To check the main component of globalization. To identify a faster method of connecting to the internet To explore the equipment which makes the communication more effective.

4 We divided the topic into 5 sections. Each member took responsible of their topic. Then we prepared necessary tools to collect information. And we went to the public. Our Activities

5 What are the components engaged with globalization ? Have you experienced a faster method of connecting to the internet ? What has made your communication more effective ? Our Topics In order to collect information How do we get to know the latest happenings around the world instantly or watch live sporting events?

6 How people get to know the latest happenings around the world so instantly ? MethodNumber Local TV 25 Satellite TV 21 News papers 30 Radio 41 SMS 16 Mobile internet 07 The Facts We Have Gathered Here’s what people said to our team.

7 Compone nt Number of people TV 07 Economy 06 Satellites 32 Technology 11 Mobile phones 19 Internet 15 What are the components engaged with globalization? Here’s what people said to our team.

8 MethodNumber of people Through cable 15 CDMA 12 Satellite data 17 GPRS 10 Have you experienced a faster method of connecting to the internet? Here are some of people’s experiences.

9 MethodNumbe r of people Mobiles 23 Satellites 31 Internet 14 Cables 16 Here’s what people said to our team. What has made your communication more effective?

10 Our Conclusion


12 To improve the communication in the role of globalization, The Satellites are the most effective equipments in the whole world.

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