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Distance Learning CECS 4100 Chapter 7 IETT. What is Distance Learning? (One definition) n “…the acquisition of knowledge and skills through mediated information.

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Presentation on theme: "Distance Learning CECS 4100 Chapter 7 IETT. What is Distance Learning? (One definition) n “…the acquisition of knowledge and skills through mediated information."— Presentation transcript:

1 Distance Learning CECS 4100 Chapter 7 IETT

2 What is Distance Learning? (One definition) n “…the acquisition of knowledge and skills through mediated information and instruction, encompassing all technologies and other forms of learning at a distance.” n United States Distance Learning Association (1998)

3 Telecommunications n Communication over time and/or distance n Linking people for communications purposes n Telecomputing - activities in which classroom computers link groups with each other and with educational resources

4 Distance Learning: Past, Present and Future n Past: rationale was for access to students and cost-savings to organization –Correspondence courses –Print materials supplemented with videotapes and instructional TV

5 Distance Learning: Past, Present and Future n Present: rationale is increase student access to information and people n Competition for the “education dollar” n Development of courses and degree programs students can complete without entering a formal classroom or seeing a live instructor

6 Distance Learning: Past, Present and Future n Future: rationale may likely focus on making learning environments increasingly life-like n Interactive video-and-audio and virtual reality systems that allow people to exchange information as if they were in the same location

7 Current Distance Learning Configurations and Applications n Broadcast/terrestrial n Computer-based n Hybrid of the two

8 Broadcast/Terrestrial Systems n Broadcast technologies that use satellite links or microwaves to send video n Terrestrial (land) lines such as telephone lines, cable lines and others to send audio and/or video n Combinations of broadcast and terrestrial systems

9 Computer-based Systems n Microcomputers with links made possible through modems, network connections from schools or districts

10 Hybrid Systems n Written communication (email) –most common use of the Internet n Video instruction –Scheduled video courses and workshops –Range from one-way video to fully interactive simulations of face-to-face n Teleconferences –Live events that simulate meetings or conferences

11 Hybrid Systems (con’t) n Videoconferences –Allows live interaction among users at various distant sites –Used for delivery of courses or for intermittent communications n Internet Activities –Current resources that include full-text documents, graphics, motion and sound

12 Implementation of DL n 60% of all U.S. post-secondary institutions offer distance learning courses (as of 1998) n Virtual High Schools are appearing –Allen HS is one of the virtual high schools in the U.S. – (Choose HS, Technology, VHS)

13 Implementation Issues n Impact on education reform (positive and negative) n Reform of top-level policy/planning n Costs and funding n Infrastructure and policy needs n Teacher involvement and training

14 Implementation Issue (con’t) n Communications innovations n Rapidly changing technologies n Logistical problems n School-level administrative support

15 Present and Potential Impact n Effectiveness for course delivery –Some research has shown equivalent on achievement and attitudes of students n Results should depend on quality of course rather than delivery method

16 Course Characteristics that Affect Success n Degree of interaction –Satisfaction = amount of interaction between instructor and students –Recommended face-to-face meeting for first class to establish rapport and lead to better interaction n Support during course –Lack of library resources –Slow transfer of paperwork –Timely responses of instructor

17 Course Characteristics that Affect Success (con’t) n Technical problems –Can doom the best-planned course –Successful courses minimize problems n Characteristics of people who choose distance learning –Typical in past - working adults 25-50 yrs old, married and employed FT Currently - more mainstream students, younger and full time students

18 Course Characteristics that Affect Success (con’t) n Characteristics of effective instructors –Experience with DL environments –Course planning and organization that capitalize on DL strengths –Ability to use questioning strategies –Ability to involve and coordinate student activities at multiple sites –(Few faculty are willing to learn these new skills required for DL due to more work and no reward)

19 Recommendations for DL Integration n Use a “learner-centered” approach to address: –Building rapport –Decreasing isolation –Enhancing interaction n See Wolcott’s Matrix of Strategies for Minimizing Psychological Distance in Distance Learning Courses (p. 202)

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