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LOGO Effort, Creativity, Success!!! PROPOSAL PROJECT H3Q eHospital Web Application.

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Presentation on theme: "LOGO Effort, Creativity, Success!!! PROPOSAL PROJECT H3Q eHospital Web Application."— Presentation transcript:

1 LOGO Effort, Creativity, Success!!! PROPOSAL PROJECT H3Q eHospital Web Application

2 LOGO Contents 2. Introduction H3Q project 3. Goals and Plan 4. Introduction Details Project 5. Index H3Q eHospital Web Application 1. Company Overview

3 LOGO Company Overview  Company Name: H3Q  Address: Da Nang, Viet Nam  Experience: MMO Online Games, DT- Internet Security, 3G Network,…  Partners: Fsoft, Gameloft, VDC, Logigear …

4 LOGO Introduction about H3Q Project  Project Name: H3Q eHospital Web Application  Project ID: H3Q.eH01  Team: Group 1 (Team ID: H3Q-G1) o Chung Ha Ngoc (Team Leader) o Ngan Nguyen Tran Xuan o Tuan Vo Minh o Phap Tran Quoc

5 LOGO Threat: Strengths:Opportunities: SWOT Weaknesses: - Responsibility, discipline. -Skill, knowledge. -Process - Occur many problems. - Only four members. - Competition - Less experience. -Programming languages. -Change requirements - Learning, -Professional -Practical SWOT of H3Q-G1:

6 LOGO Problem: Vietnam is a developing country with a total population of 87.84 million people (2011) Health budget is almost 7%. The Ministry of Health is proposing to increase more in the coming years Vietnam has 1,100 hospitals with more than 180 000 beds. Ministry of Health policy expands 100% the hospital of the central, provincial, district. 80% others using of information technology in 2015. 1 2 3 4

7 LOGO 20% Survey Analysis market group of H3Q company has conducted survey: Analysis market group of H3Q company has conducted survey: 17.5% (O3) 62.5% (O2) (O1). (01): Don’ t using. (02): Using. (03): Still simple.

8 LOGO Goals Quality Effort, Creativity, Success!!! On Time Budget Public H3Q eHospital

9 LOGO Implement Time: Process Costs 10/9/2012 – 10/2/2013 XP Process $7864 Introduction

10 LOGO ASP.NET & C#.NET Sever - Client Web Application SQL Sever 2005 Window Sever 2003 Technique Description:

11 LOGO Functions Help Desk, Patients Management Effort, Creativity, Success!!! Outpatient Module Management Inpatient module Management Charges hospital Management H3Q eHospital

12 LOGO System Architecture:

13 LOGO Implement Plan: Period 1 10/9 -10/11/2012 After each period, the customer will try, the development team will continue to improve the product more new features. Period 2 10/11-10/1/2013 Period 3 11/1 -10/2/2013 Project divide into 3 periods:

14 LOGO Time: Package123 Month222 Date44 Hour352 Salary for team ($/h): Project ManagerMembers Package 12,52 Package 221,5 Package 31,51

15 LOGO Details ($): Package 1 Package 2 Package 3 Totals PM 8807045282112 Members 2112158410564752 Other fees 300 4001000 Totals 3292258819847864

16 LOGO Evaluation Project : Scientific Practical Effectiveness Legality FEASIBILITY

17 LOGO Index: A Product : $659/product 11,57%  Capable of investing fully $106,6 >0

18 LOGO H3QeHopital Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Products/ Year: 2 Profits ($): 1146,1 Products/ Year: 5 Profits ($):2865,2 Product/ Year: 10 Profits ($):5730,4 Product/ Year: 15 Profits ($):8595,7 Payback Period: Payback Period: 3 year and 4 months

19 LOGO Effort, Creativity, Success!!!

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