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Ideas for Raising Achievement in Mathematics at KS4 LITTLE HEATH SCHOOL.

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Presentation on theme: "Ideas for Raising Achievement in Mathematics at KS4 LITTLE HEATH SCHOOL."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ideas for Raising Achievement in Mathematics at KS4 LITTLE HEATH SCHOOL

2 Strategies used at Little Heath School  Exam choice  Use of data  Flexible setting  Feedback (AFL)  Personalised learning  Context  Lots and lots of past papers

3 Modular rather than Linear exams – Enables pupils to have shorter term targets and know how they are progressing. – Allows for targeted resits

4 Detailed use of data  UMS gained so far and how many more UMS needed to go up a grade in each module  The % required in Mod 5, (after Mod 1 and 3 results known), to get each grade results known), to get each grade  Pupils and parents made aware of their data  Identifying key pupils / groups  Key Marginal Mentoring  FFT data.  Use of AQA question level analysis


6 Flexible setting

7 Pupils aware of Grades of each type of question  Posters in corridors showing how to get from D -> C, A -> A* etc. D -> C, A -> A* etc. (Can be downloaded for free from (Can be downloaded for free from  Target and Response Booklets - allow pupils to identify their strengths and - allow pupils to identify their strengths and areas they need to review areas they need to review  Pupils given graded list of topics for each module  Text books with all questions graded and constant referral by staff to grades

8 Personalised Learning  e.g. Use of mymaths online HW / online lessons / booster materials (D- >C, A -> A*) - Pupils can use these at home to help with any topics they have identified as areas they need to improve. - Pupils can use these at home to help with any topics they have identified as areas they need to improve. - Instant feedback given. - Instant feedback given. - Also can be used if a pupil has missed a lesson or is away for a period of time. - Also can be used if a pupil has missed a lesson or is away for a period of time.

9 Variety of Teaching methods  Pair and group work as well as working as individuals  Matching cards / domino activities  Use of ‘Standards Unit’ resources  Interactive lessons  Mathematical games  AFL  Etc …..

10 Making Mathematics more relevant  examples in context  mathematics trip to Disneyland Paris  lectures / visits  Channel 4 clips ….

11 Past Papers LOTS!!! LOTS!!!

12 Thank you for listening If you would like further information about anything I have mentioned today please contact me at the address below Sue Wooller (Little Heath School, Reading)

13 SSAT DATA ENABLER PACKAGE - enables you to show either GCSE results or mock - enables you to show either GCSE results or mock results or predicted grades in a VENN diagram. results or predicted grades in a VENN diagram. - It enables swift identification of those students who - It enables swift identification of those students who will not gain 5+A*-C including English & Maths will not gain 5+A*-C including English & Maths (and why) (and why) - Available free at: - Available free at:


15 Assertive Mentoring  Using a system of Assertive Mentoring based on that developed at Hurworth School (Darlington) has revolutionised the effectiveness of our mentoring: 1. We use data to identify and track our ‘Key Marginal’ students 2. Intervention is planned to help transform students’ attainment levels. 3. Each month teachers predict GCSE grades for students based on their current standard of attainment and attitude to learning. 4. This ensures that students (and their mentors) know exactly where they are and it enables the students to put it right. 5. Mentors interview students within one school week of the monthly data recording, so all data is live and incontrovertible.

16 Thank you for listening If you would like further information about anything I have mentioned today please contact me at the address below Sue Wooller (Little Heath School, Reading)

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