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Textbook and Blackboard Use in Malaysian Primary Mathematics classrooms Chap Sam LIM School of Educational Studies Universiti Sains Malaysia <>

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1 Textbook and Blackboard Use in Malaysian Primary Mathematics classrooms
Chap Sam LIM School of Educational Studies Universiti Sains Malaysia

2 TWO QUESTIONS 1. (Q1)How do primary mathematics teachers use textbooks in Malaysia? 2. (Q3) How do primary mathematics teachers use blackboards in Malaysia?

3 1. (Q1)How do primary mathematics teachers use textbooks in Malaysia?
Textbook is the predominant teaching materials/source of reference for teachers All textbooks are published by the Ministry of Education, under the Textbook Division Textbooks are given as free loan to all pupils in all schools Not for sale to be returned at end of year

4 Textbook package Each grade – two volume – Book A and B
Activity book – book A and B Teacher guide Courseware – Smart school version Teaching courseware – developed by Curriculum Development Department By Topic – developed by Educational Technology Department

5 Use of Textbook Previously – may be 70% of the time use textbooks,
But after the policy of Teaching Mathematics and Science using English [PPSMI] Nearly 90% of time based on text book, because Better and more effective teaching strategies proposed in the textbook Written strictly according to the curriculum requirement

6 Use of Textbook by teachers
Most teachers follow accordingly – unit by unit, content, activities and examples Also come with activity book and courseware Also Teacher guide – for Grade 1, 4, 5 & 6

7 An example of Year 3 Math textbook & activity book: cover page

8 An example of Year 3 Math textbook: Foreword – philosophy of syllabus

9 An example of Year 3 Math textbook: Introduction – organization of the textbook

10 An example of Year 3 Math textbook: Introduction – organization of the textbook –using icons

11 An example of Year 3 math textbook: topic: Fraction
Introduction page – picture of activity related to the topic

12 An example of Year 3 math textbook:
Glossary at end of book Last page

13 2. (Q3) How do primary mathematics teachers use blackboards in Malaysia?
Main uses: For explanation of content or elaboration To assess pupils’ performance – ask pupils to come out and show on blackboard As display board – paste manila cards/flash cards/students’ work To provide information – short important note/list/reminder of homework

14 1. For explanation of content or elaboration

15 1. For explanation of content or elaboration

16 2. To assess pupils’ performance – ask pupils to come out and show on blackboard

17 2. To assess pupils’ performance – different pupils are asked to show their solutions on blackboard

18 3. As a display board – displaying pupils’ work

19 3. As a display board – displaying

20 4. To provide information: Short notes at the top corner

21 4. To provide information: today’s home work at the top corner

22 Q3: Blackboard use - organization
Organization of blackboard not given due significance no course or training given during pre-service education, unlike Shanghai/China Mainly based on teachers’ own experiences and creativity Can be messy

23 Example of blackboard organization at end of class: : Teacher 1

24 Example of blackboard organization at end of class: Teacher 2

25 Use of courseware

26 Use of courseware - exercises

27 Use of white board

28 Thank you for your attention, please comment.

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