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Techno Watch. Windows 7 Virtualisation iPhone 3Gs / iPhone OS 3.0 Google Wave Bing Wolfram Alpha some.

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Presentation on theme: "Techno Watch. Windows 7 Virtualisation iPhone 3Gs / iPhone OS 3.0 Google Wave Bing Wolfram Alpha some."— Presentation transcript:

1 Techno Watch

2 Windows 7 Virtualisation iPhone 3Gs / iPhone OS 3.0 Google Wave Bing Wolfram Alpha some

3 The Netbook Revolution – Where Next?

4 End primary focus on computing power Function more important – curriculum Low cost Low power (watts) Low environmental impact Usable Open Source (responsible for XP rethink) No ‘crapware’ Forcing schools to think about purpose Changing budget priorities, evidence of schools becoming more strategic Netbooks – the impact BEWARE! The market is changing! Power becoming the driving force again

5 Netbooks – the impact of the EeePC Huge number of alternatives available DellAdventToshiba Acer Samsung Lenovo HP Intel Classmate NEC Otomo


7 Sugar on a Stick

8 Microsoft Surface

9 The SMART Table

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