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Preparation for Postsecondary Education & Employment: Policy to Practice Robert A. Stodden, Ph.D. Center on Disability Studies University of Hawaii At.

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Presentation on theme: "Preparation for Postsecondary Education & Employment: Policy to Practice Robert A. Stodden, Ph.D. Center on Disability Studies University of Hawaii At."— Presentation transcript:

1 Preparation for Postsecondary Education & Employment: Policy to Practice Robert A. Stodden, Ph.D. Center on Disability Studies University of Hawaii At Manoa Showcase Session, Council for Exceptional Children Division on Autism & Developmental Disabilities April 22, 2010, Nashville, Tennessee

2 Overview Building a Case for Preparation for PSE & Employment Evolution of Federal Policy Redefining FAPE (IDEA)

3 Changing Post-School World Reauthorization of Higher Education Opportunity Act Changes in Adult Supports (CMS, CPASS, MFP, MIG, DMIE) Self-determination Movement Raising Expectations

4 Evolution of Lower Educational Policy (IDEA) Supporting PSE Determination of FAPE – shifting from “some” to “meaningful” educational benefit standard Congressional Intent (authorizations & regulations) Federal Court Cases (Pre – Post Rowley rulings)

5 Evolution of FAPE (Initial Authorization & Practice) 1975 (PL 94-142) Focus of benefit was to achieve “access” to an free education. Benefit was “based upon maximizing the child’s POTENTIAL” IEP process & members Type & intensity of specialized services (placement)

6 Rowley Decision -1982 Laid the ground work to “explore educational benefit” Individually based upon an IEP teams decision Explored “differences between some, meaningful, and degree of benefit Academic & Non-academic

7 Evolution of FAPE 1985-95 – Reauthorizations of IDEA Focus on improvement or results Focus on Post-school Outcomes Focus on inclusion-mainstreaming Focus on high expectations Services which ensure benefit from instruction

8 Evolution of FAPE 1995 (20 year anniversary of IDEA) 1997 reauthorization Standard of intent changed to “equality of opportunity” Focus changed from ensuring access to improving outcomes Moved beyond a focus on procedural violations

9 Changes in FAPE Educational benefit defined: as “meaningful & measureable progress” As “progress toward obtainment of grade level standards” As obtaining “quality post- school outcomes”

10 IDEA language driving changes in FAPE Referencing core general education curriculum content Requiring post-school outcome goal Requiring follow-up and collection of post-school data Referencing preparing for employment & quality of life

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