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Constructing Curriculum and Assessments October, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Constructing Curriculum and Assessments October, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Constructing Curriculum and Assessments October, 2014

2 Goals: To inform parents about how curriculum is currently being designed. To create an understanding about the purpose and use of assessments.

3 . MathScienceEnglishSocial Studies. Content MasteryCritical ThinkerCreative ThinkerCommunicator/CollaboratorSelf Directed Learner Student AStudent B Which student is best prepared for the 21 st Century? Global Citizen



6 Transfer is the Goal “Students will be able to independently use their learning to…”

7 Understanding by Design (UbD)  Desired Results- what students will know and be able to do as the result of participation in this unit.  Evidence of Learning- valid, varied and reliable assessments that include formative and summative measures  The Learning Plan- a range of learning experiences that prepares students to demonstrate the desired results.

8 Driving Questions: How do we reconcile what we value and what we measure? Do we have the courage and the will to measure what we value?

9 Traditional Assessments; e.g., Tests, Quizzes, Skill Checks, Observations Transfer Tasks Performance Based Assessments Can I apply it to something new? What knowledge and skills do I own? Am I Getting it?

10 Balance

11 Glimpse into Balanced Assessment Developmental Reading Assessment Write a letter to a fictional character recommending a non- fiction book- cite evidence. Primary Spelling Inventory PBS needs new shows. They want to know which characters kids love to read about and why the character is lovable. These are Madison Assessments

12 Traditional Assessments; e.g., Tests, Quizzes, Skill Checks, Observations Transfer Tasks Performance Based Assessments PBS new show DRA Spelling Inventory letter to a fictional character

13 Our SBAC Preparation Goals To provide students with the ability to demonstrate content knowledge and understanding with the appropriate amount of exposure to the instrument and vocabulary. To establish preparation that minimizes the impact on instructional time, and maximizes opportunities for exposure.

14 Next Steps: Review and refine units Examine student work and set goals Further differentiate lessons/activities and tasks Continue to build vertical alignment Create a dashboard approach to measuring what we value.

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