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Introduction to Management, its Functions, and Organisations

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1 Introduction to Management, its Functions, and Organisations

2 CONTENTS History of Management
Management Theories and Schools of Thought Key People What is Management? Management Functions What do Managers do? Management Roles Management Skills Managing Today

3 "People who ignore the past are destined to relive it
"People who ignore the past are destined to relive it." A person unaware of mistakes made by others is likely to repeat them. Each generation of managers needs to understand the lessons learned by its predecessors and build on them.

4 History of Management Ancient History Early Civilisations
Egyptian pyramids

5 History of Management Modern History
Adam Smith publishes The Wealth of Nations Division of Labour Industrial Revolution Managers needed skills to: Forecast demand Ensure that the necessary material resources were available and on hand for producing goods in question Assign tasks to people Ensure that machines were kept in good working condition Find markets for the finished products

6 Management Theories and Schools of Thought
Classical Scientific Administrative Behavioural Quantitative System Quality

Classical Management Theory originated during the Industrial Revolution. It has two branches – Classic Scientific and Classic Administrative. Classic Scientific School Arose as a result of a need to increase productivity The emphasis was to try to find the “one best way” of getting work done by examining the way work was accomplished Focused on worker-machine relationships for increasing production Classic Administrative School Grew out of a need for guidelines to manage the complex organisations that emerged from the Industrial Revolution The emphasis was on the development of managerial principles rather than work methods Advocated a belief in studying the flow of information Theorists aimed at understanding how an organisation operated

Dealt with the human aspects of organisations Focused on employees as individuals, resources, assets, and as part of work groups Motivation and Leadership became topics of great interest Resulted in the creation of positions for professionals as a Human Resources Manager

Was born in World War II era Used mathematical and statistical approaches, as well as computational models and simulations for management problems Used quantitative tools to help plan and control nearly every aspect in the organisation

An organisation is viewed as a system, with inputs being processed, through operations, into outputs. So a system is a set of interrelated parts that work together to achieve stated goals. Systems School The systems school holds that an organisation comprises various parts (subsystems) that must perform tasks necessary for the survival and proper functioning of the system as a whole The Functional Areas of business – Marketing, Finance, Human Resource Management, etc. – are subsystems Interrelatedness emphasises that a manager can’t change one subsystem without affecting the rest Cumulative Energy of Synergy The whole is greater than the sum of its parts Synergy is the increased effectiveness that results from combined action or co-operation It is sometimes described as = 5 since the result of a synergistic partnership is more than the sum production of each partner alone Synergy can lead to negative effects (clash of cultures, loss of jobs (mergers & downsizing), antitrust and ethical issues, etc.)

Quality Management emphasises achieving customer satisfaction by providing high quality goods and services What is done must be measured and evaluated quantitatively and qualitatively Quality School is the most current and it is embraced worldwide Kaizen Japanese in origin (means continuous improvement for people, products, and processes) No matter how well things are going, the individual or organisation can do it better Reengineering Change is constant; It will always occur Is the fundamental rethinking and radical redesign of business processes to achieve dramatic improvements

12 Key People Frederick W. Taylor (1856-1915)
Called the Father of Scientific Management Scientifically studied work to identify the “one best way” to get a job done (standardising tasks) Scientifically selected, hired, and trained workers Motivated workers with financial rewards (prorata) Introduced work breaks

13 Key People Henry Gantt (1861-1919)
Developed the Gantt chart used for scheduling multiple overlapping tasks over a time period (still widely used in organisations today for scheduling work) Focused on motivational schemes, emphasising the greater effectiveness of rewards for good work Developed a pay incentive system with a guaranteed minimum wage and bonus systems for people on fixed wages

14 Key People Henri Fayol (1841-1925)
Believed that management required specific skills that could be learned and taught Designated management as a universal set of functions that included planning, organising, commanding, co-ordinating, and controlling Described the practice of management as something distinct from accounting, finance, production, and the other business functions Developed several principles of management

15 Key People Mary Parker Follett (1868 - 1933)
Focused on how organisations cope with conflict Emphasised the human element in organisations and the need to discover and enlist individual and group motivation Introduced three important concepts: The Universal Goal The Universal Principle The Law of the Situation

16 Key People Max Weber (1864-1920)
Known as the Father of Modern Sociology Analysed bureaucracy as the most logical and rational structure for large organisations A bureaucracy was a system characterised by division of labour, a clearly defined hierarchy, detailed rules and regulations, and impersonal relationships

17 Key People Chester Barnard (1886-1961)
Saw organisations as social systems requiring human co-operation Argued that success depended on maintaining good relations with external groups and institutions Developed the concepts of Strategic Planning and Acceptance Theory of Authority Argued that managers must gain acceptance for their authority Believed that three top functions of the executive were to: establish and maintain effective communication system, hire and retain effective personnel, and motivate those personnel

18 Key People Abraham Maslow ( ) Developed a needs-based theory of motivation (Hierarchy of Needs) The theory is now considered central to understanding human motivation an behaviour

19 Key People W. Edwards Deming (1900- 1994)
Father of Total Quality Management Regarded by the Japanese as the key influence in their postwar economic turnaround Created constancy of purpose for continual improvement of products and services

20 (Robbins, DeCenzo, Stuart-Kotze,2002)
What is Management? Management is the process of getting things done, effectively and efficiently, through and with other people. (Robbins, DeCenzo, Stuart-Kotze,2002)

21 Efficiency & Effectiveness
Efficiency means doing a task correctly. Effectiveness is the attainment of a goal.

22 Efficiency & Effectiveness
What is the difference exactly? Efficiency is how you go about accomplishing something (means), while Effectiveness is the attainment or completion of a goal (ends).

23 Efficiency & Effectiveness
Example: If you kill a fly with a hammer you may be effective (ends - killing the fly). But you would be much more efficient by using a fly swatter (means – waste less energy, swat faster).

24 Management Functions Management Functions are activities that comprise the Management Process. The four basic Management activities are Planning Organising Leading Controlling

25 Management Functions Planning - involves defining an organisation's goals, establishing an overall strategy for achieving these goals, and developing a set of plans to integrate and co-ordinate activities. Setting goals keeps the work to be done in proper focus and helps organisation members keep their attention on what is important.

26 Management Functions Managers are also responsible for designing an organisation's structure. Organising - involves determining what jobs or tasks are to be done, hiring and choosing who is going to do them, and deciding how they will be done.

27 Management Functions Leading - is influencing other people to get the job done. Leaders direct the activities of others, motivate employees, maintain morale, mold company culture, and manage conflict and communication.

28 Management Functions Controlling - is making sure that an organisation's performance is up to par with the goals previously set. A manager must continuously monitor and compare actual performance with set standards and take corrective action when necessary.

29 What do Managers do? A manager is someone who plans, organises, leads, and controls people and the work of an organisation with the aim of ensuring that the organisation achieves its goals (Dessler, Tarke, Cyr, 2001)

30 Types of Manager There are several ways to classify managers. The three most common classifications are by Organisational Level Managerial Function Region or Divison

31 Management Roles Interpersonal Informational Decisional Figurehead
Leader Liaison Informational Monitor Disseminator Spokesperson Decisional Entrepreneur Disturbance Handler

32 Management skills Technical Conceptual Political Communication
Interpersonal Effectiveness

33 Managing Today Managers need to constantly monitor and anticipate changes occurring in today’s volatile business environment. Organisations are facing many new challenges and forces in today’s more competitive global marketplace. Some of the most significant challenges and trends include: Technological Innovations Globalisation A more Diverse Workforce Changing Political Systems Formation of new Trade Agreements/Areas Synergy

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