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GDP 113 Typography Orientation Will record for those who cannot attend Spring 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "GDP 113 Typography Orientation Will record for those who cannot attend Spring 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 GDP 113 Typography Orientation Will record for those who cannot attend Spring 2009

2 Agenda ◆ Welcome ◆ Syllabus ◆ Office Hours ◆ Tutor ◆ Questions ◆ Demo Moodle ◆ liz

3 Welcome ◆ Instructors: ◆ Bobbi Balderman ◆ Liz Russotti ◆ Each of us will be responsible for specific weeks during the semester. ◆ listed weekly in Moodle ◆ liz

4 Course Objectives Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:.... understand the origin of the alphabet.... identify the parts of a letter.... define basic type measurements.... describe the five families of type.... explain the difference between readability and legibility of type.... choose appropriate fonts, styles, point sizes, linespacing Bobbi

5 Assignments ◆ 1st week late -10/100 points ◆ 2nd week late -20/100 points ◆ will not accept after that ◆ can only redo work turned in on time ◆ ALL redos must be in by WEEK 13 ◆ Turn in only ONE pdf file per assignment ◆ Bobbi

6 Assignments ◆ EXTRA credit - only 2x per semester ◆ 10 points added to lowest PROJECT grade ◆ does not apply to quizzes or exercises Bobbi

7 Attendence ◆ Online students are REQUIRED to login at least once a week ◆ after 2 weeks of non-participation we will send an email to remind you ◆ if you do not respond you may be dropped from class ◆ it is the STUDENTS responsibility to withdraw from any class ◆ liz

8 Tutor ◆ One-on-one Software help - contact Tutor John Lemon ◆ (will have John’s contact info on class site) ◆ Class TA - Katarina Lindevalle ◆ Katarina will monitor the QUESTIONS AND COMMENTS link ◆ She will have an email in Moodle ◆ liz

9 Office Hour ◆ Liz can meet in Second Life with students for office hours - time to be announced each week or by emailing for an appointment. ◆ Bobbi can meet with students before her Tuesday 5PM class or by emailing for an appointment. ◆ Katarina will be available to meet by appointment using this online meeting environment.

10 Questions ◆ Pipeline - important for all SBCC info ◆ Moodle demo ◆ Second Life - will introduce Week 3 but feel free to get started and explore on your own.

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