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IPPOG-Meeting 06.11.2014 CERN Uta Bilow, TU Dresden.

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Presentation on theme: "IPPOG-Meeting 06.11.2014 CERN Uta Bilow, TU Dresden."— Presentation transcript:

1 IPPOG-Meeting 06.11.2014 CERN Uta Bilow, TU Dresden

2 Aims: create awareness among the general public about the research work introduce pupils to science, research and innovation students from schools and universities should be motivated and encouraged to pursue careers in science High school students: curiosity has to be converted into enthusiasm for science Successful projects: Science and pupils are involved in a real dialogue! Outreach Projects

3 Act as a "scientist for a day" Close to current research –Understand what the scientists are doing Own "hands-on" activities –listen = forget, see = remember, do = understand Insight into the research process Use of relevant methods and tools Comparisons between experiment and theory Authentic experiences Analysis of real scientific data Meeting and discussion with scientists A scenario for a real dialogue

4 HEP explores fundamental questions about the origin and structure of the world uses fascinating research methods Is connected to captivating terms But also: HEP underrepresented in school curricula exceeds students´ world of experience many new concepts and ideas Successful approach: Masterclass format High Energy Physics

5 5 As in a masterclass in the arts, students work with an expert Expert = particle physicist Instead of, say, a violin, the subject is particle physics data analysis What is a Particle Physics Masterclass?

6 Concept of IMC High school students (15 – 19) are „scientists for one day“ Get invited to a research institute or university Introductory talks (standard model, detectors, accelerators) 2 h measurement with LHC data International video conference ( 2 – 5 inst. + CERN/Fermilab)

7 Sample Agenda LOCAL TIME:ACTIVITY: 8:30 - 9:00registration & welcome 9:00 - 10:00introduction to Particle Physics 10:30 - 11:30second talk or tour 12:00 - 13:00lunch 13:00 - 15:00data analysis 15:00 - 16:00local combination + discussion 16:00 - 17:00video conference with CERN or Fermilab

8 LEP until 2010 Students analyse event displays (OPAL or DELPHI) Measurement done by counting  Concept of charge  Each interaction has its specific charge  particles arrange themselves with respect to the charges in multiplets  Lepton universality  Quarks have color charge Z0Z0 e+e- +-+- +-+- qq

9 Expanded possibilities for students –More interactive e-learning tools as event displays –Options to do more than counting Data quality investigations Measurement of distributions in mass, angle etc. Regularly updated –2011: Exploit known Standard Model Processes, e.g. W+/W- ratio corresponding to (uud) quarks in proton Understand mass peaks of J/Psi and Z –2012: On the way to discover new particles Higgs  WW Extra Z Bosons … Since 2011: LHC data ATLAS –W path (Higgs  WW) –Z path (discover Extra Z’ Bosons) CMS ALICE –Looking for Strange Particles –R_AA LHCb in the future: TOTEM, …

10 Masterclass with ATLAS data (W path) Higgs signal accumulates at small angles decay of W bosons  structure ot the proton 1 6 5 4 32

11 ATLAS –Minerva (M. Wielers, P. Watkins, T. McLaughlan et al.) –Hypatia (C. Kourkoumelis et al.) CMS –iSpy online (M.Hategan, K. Cecire et al.) in collaboration with Quarknet (US) ALICE –ALICE masterclass application (P.Debski, Y.Foka et al.) simplified ALICE event display in ROOT environment page.html page.html –ALICE masterclass application (R. Averbeck et al.) LHCb  ALICE masterclass (V. Gligorov et al.) E-learning Platforms and Tools used 11

12 Video conference (with CERN or Fermilab) –16:00 – 17:00 Geneva time –3 - 5 institutes, reflecting international collaboration –2 Moderators at CERN –Agenda Introduction Combination of results Student Q & A Discussion Quiz –Moderators: PhD students and Postdocs, get training and small reward

13 Brief History of Masterclasses Idea from UK, 1996 (R. Barlow et al.) 1997: 1. Masterclass in UK with 7 institutes 1998 nationwide uptake 2005: Adopted by EPPOG/IPPOG for all Europe Use of LEP data –OPAL Identifying Particles –DELPHI Hands on CERN 2006: U.S. joined program (QuarkNet) 2011: LHC-based Masterclasses only 2014: all 4 LHC experiments (How it all begun) (MC in the LHC era)

14 Masterclasses: Worldwide spread 41 countries in 2014 For 2015: + Marocco + Mexico + Thailand + …

15 Participation Statistics

16 „Organic growth“ for several years Since ~ 2012 several initiatives Physics without frontiers (Kate Shaw) –Palestine, Algeria, Vietnam MICab initiative (Ken Cecire) –Latin and South America (Jamaica, Colombia, Ecuador, Chile…) South Asia initiative (Kate Shaw, Abha Eli, et al.) –Nepal, India, Pakistan on Dec 18/19 New WG Expanding MC (since 5/2014) Interest from HST participants (new group „Science for Peace“) Expanding the programme

17 Conditions for participation a group of students (aged 16 - 19) an inviting institute, providing the infrastructure -a lecture hall -several PC‘s available -if possible a room for a video conference at least 1 scientist, holding the lecture some tutors for students during the measurement (1 tutor per 10 students, knowing particle physics) No financial requirements!

18 Organisation and Funding Central organisation at TU Dresden for IPPOG Michael Kobel (Project leader), Uta Bilow Coordination Fermilab-based MCs (America, Far East, Australia) Ken Cecire Steering group WG Video conference Contributions from: Oslo University (Farid Ould Saada, M. Pedersen, M. Bugge et al.) Quarknet (K. Cecire et al) ALICE (Yiota Foka et al) … Funding and in-kind contributions from:

19 19 Beyond International Masterclasses 1. International Masterclasses –organized by E/IPPOG since 2005 –once / year daily for 4-5 weeks –students come to institutes worldwide –video conference at the end of the day 2. Local masterclasses at universities –without video conference –if date within IMC period not possible –if institute wishes to organize more Masterclasses 3. Local masterclasses at schools –Researchers bring data to school, science center, … –Also stand-alone by teacher possible –National activities (Germany, I2U2, etc) all data is free to use for any educational purpose (not only in the framework of International Masterclasses)

20 Refereed evaluation on Int. MC severity: just right success independent of a-priori knowledge and gender 20 Physics Education 42 (2007) 636-644

21 Most important correlation Understanding the scientific research process generates interest in (especially modern) physics

22 Survey from Netzwerk Teilchenwelt 94 alumni, attended a Masterclass + 3-days-workshop at CERN 56 participants in survey

23 More (Astroparticle physics) Masterclasses IceCube Masterclass Pilot: 21.5.2014, 5 institutions, 100 students Analysis: replicate analysis of first evidence for an astrophysical neutrino flux For 2015: –More institutions –Joining IMC? –Multilingual content –Add more analyses –Create classroom activities Auger Masterclass Events recorded at Pierre Auger Observatory 1 % publically available Analysis of cosmic particle showers Pilot tests in German Netzwerk Teilchenwelt collecting feedback and evaluation developing framework and Masterclass-package

24 International Cosmic Day Run since 2012 by Fermilab and DESY Zeuthen 31 institutes on Oct 8, 2014 Students measuring coincident air showers and zenith angle distribution Skype conference for chat and discussion of results Booklet with students´ contributions

25 International Masterclasses... is a successful outreach program organized by IPPOG involves high school students in a real dialogue with science sees permanent growth has a slim central organisation Events are run locally and can be adjusted to local needs is a role model for other projects (national projects, other fields) Summary


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