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Published byDarrell Glenn Modified over 9 years ago
Newfane Elementary Standards Based Report Card Grades 1-4
Committee Work and Timeline Committee met monthly from July 2014 - Present Reviewed research and data on standards based report cards Collected and reviewed report card documents from other districts Examined CCLS for ELA & Math and identified priority standards in each area Created and prepared newsletters, report card guides, and presentation materials to inform parents and community members of the changes Implementation is planned for the 2015-2016 school year
What is a standards-based system? There are four essential components to a standards based system. 1.Standards – The NYS CCLS describe what a student should know and be able to do at an identified point in time. 2.Curriculum – Standards-aligned curriculum provide a roadmap for teachers to ensure that classroom instruction addresses these standards 3.Assessments – Formal and informal assessments are administered to students to measure a student’s progress in meeting the standards 4.Reporting – Standards-based report cards allow teachers to accurately and effectively communicate student progress to parents, students, and to staff in other grades
How were the academic standards selected? The committee examined ELA and math standards at each grade level and identified standards and indicators that were considered the most significant for student learning. The selected standards were reworded when necessary into “parent friendly” indicators. Descriptors will be shared with parents prior to the first report card distribution through newsletters, guidance documents, and parent presentations in June and September.
Changes parents will find in the new report cards The new report card is aligned to the Common Core State Standards and reflects updates in our curriculum and instruction. Parents will see: 1.Category titles and descriptors reflecting the Common Core Learning Standards 2.Revised instructional rating scale (1-4 scale) 3.Habits of Success section that assesses learning behaviors (work habits and social skills) necessary to be a successful learner.
Old Work Habits Section 123Work Habits and Social Development Effort Is respectful and courteous to others Follows directions Practices good listening skills Works well independently Works without disturbing others Stays on task Is prepared and organized Shows responsibility Demonstrates verbal self-control Demonstrates physical self-control Does quality work Revised Habits of Success Habits of Success Is respectful and courteous to others Follows directions Practices good listening skills Works well independently Stays on task Completes work in a timely manner Interacts appropriately in social situations Demonstrates verbal self-control Demonstrates physical self-control Organizes work space and materials neatly Comes prepared with necessary materials Demonstrates pride in the quality of work Perseveres through challenges Fills out agenda consistently and accurately Takes classroom notes neatly and accurately AVID “successful student” comments Revised Title with a positive focus Consistent indicators across grade levels. Key for Habits of Success + Exemplary Appropriate I Improving/ showing growth N Needs Improvement * Inconsistent Key for Skill Sets + = Exemplary = Appropriate - = Needs Improvement I = Showing Growth Work Habits
English Language Arts - Reading Old Reading Report Card English Language Arts Foundational Skills Applies phonics and word analysis skills to decode words and text Reads grade level text orally with accuracy, fluency, and expression Reading Literature Asks and answers questions to demonstrate understanding referring explicitly to the text Recounts stories to determine the central message/lesson/moral and explains how it is conveyed through key details Describes the characters, showing how their actions contribute to events in the text Compares and contrasts themes, settings, and stories Reading Informational Asks and answers questions using evidence from the text Determines the main idea and supporting details of a text Determines the meaning of unknown words and phrases Uses text features to locate information in the text Compares and contrasts important points on a specific topic from different texts Revised Standards Based Reading Section READING ACHIEVEMENT Effort Answers basic comprehension questions accurately Demonstrates ability to think/ learn from the text and apply to another text When word solving, considers if a word looks right, sounds right and makes sense. Self -corrects errors Reads at a pace appropriate to the text Uses expression when reading Figures out the meaning of new words when reading Uses new vocabulary while talking and writing New titles that reflect learning standards Standards-based descriptors that provide specific information to parents
English Language Arts - Writing Old Writing SectionRevised Standards-Based Writing WRITING ACHIEVEMENT Effort Uses conventions of writing (capitalization, punctuation, spelling, sentence structure, paragraph structure, grammar) Uses details to support writing Revises for meaning and proofreads for accuracy Chooses a variety of interesting words Writes legibly Language Skills Demonstrates command of grade appropriate conventions; capitalization, punctuation, and grammar Applies correct spelling of grade level words in written work Acquires and uses grade level appropriate vocabulary Writing Writes organized and focused responses to text based questions Writing focuses on one topic and includes supporting details Writing is organized; it includes an introduction, body, and conclusion Plans, revises, and edits writing with support Handwriting Writing is neat and legible Standards-based indicators with a greater focus on writing traits of ideas, organization and the writing process Separate section for handwriting Spelling /Word Work Effort Spells assigned words correctly Retains words learned Spells correctly in daily work Completes required assignments Spelling and convention descriptors are combined in the Language Skills Section
Math Old Math SectionRevised Standards-Based Math Section MATHEMATICS Effort Knows number facts Reasons well in problem solving Understands skills being taught at this time Works accurately Completes assignments on time Mathematics Number & Operations – Base Ten & Fractions Rounds whole numbers to the nearest 10 or 100 Adds within 1000 with and without regrouping Subtracts within 1000 with and without grouping Plots fractions on a number line Identifies and generates simple equivalent fractions Compares and orders fractions with like numerators or denominators Operations and Algebraic Thinking Multiplies fluently up to 10 x 10 Divides fluently within 100 Solves multi-step word problems using addition and subtraction Solves multi-step word problems using all four operations Measurement & Data Tells and writes time to the nearest minute Solves word problems involving elapsed time Represents and interprets data using bar graphs and line plots Shows how area and multiplication are related using a model Solves real world problems involving area Solves real world problems involving perimeter of polygons Geometry Describes and analyzes shapes and their attributes Standards-based indicators that specifically describe the skills students need to demonstrate at each grade level as they progress through the year.
Old Achievement Key Revised Standards Based Achievement Key Standard Based Achievement Key The goal is for all students to reach a level 3 or higher by the end of the year 4-Exceeds ProficiencyStudent consistently and demonstrates an advanced understanding and ability to apply grade level concepts and skills. Student exceeds grade level expectations. 3- Proficient in StandardsStudent consistently and independently demonstrates grade level expectations for concepts and skills. 2- Approaching StandardsStudent partially demonstrates or is beginning to demonstrate grade level expectations. Reinforcement and support is needed. 1- Significantly Below Standards Student demonstrates a limited understanding of skills and concepts taught in class. The student is performing significantly below grade level expectations. N/ANot assessed at this time. Achievement Key 4- Mastery Performance and achievement indicate that student is exceeding grade level performance standards. 3- Proficient Performance and achievement indicate that student is successfully meeting grade level performance standards with minimal intervention. 2- Basic Proficiency Performance and achievement indicate that the student is approaching but not yet meeting grade level performance standards. 1- Minimal Performance and achievement indicate that the student is not meeting grade level performance standards. Revised titles with N/A – Not Assessed added More specific language to describe each level on the grading scale. The goal is to reach proficiency by June
Things that will remain consistent with the revised report cards Report cards will be distributed THREE times a year – December, March, June Student attendance will be reported each trimester. Student reading levels will be reported in each trimester. Social Studies and Science content will be reported in a similar way to our current report cards. Special area subjects – Art, Music, P.E., and Swim will be reported on in each trimester. Written comments will incorporated in the “Habits of Success” section and at the end of the report card to elaborate further on student strengths and weaknesses. Reporting Period 123 Days Absent Days Tardy Special123 Art Music P.E. Swim
Frequently Asked Questions How do standards-based report cards help parents? Promote more detailed and meaningful conversation at parent/teacher conferences Allow for careful and precise monitoring of student achievement Reflect grade-level standards and expectations so parents gain a more complete idea of student progress With a standards-based report card how do I know where my child stands in relationship to the rest of the class? Standards-based report cards are designed to show how each child is progressing against the Common Core Standards, not how a child is performing relative to other students. The report card indicates a student’s progress toward proficiency in the standard.
Frequently Asked Questions Can a student perform at a level 3 and then move to a lower level in the next marking period? The expectations change from one marking period to the next as students move toward the end of grade-level expectations. This means: A student may meet the grade-level expectation during the first marking period, but as the expectations increase, the student may not demonstrate the same level of proficiency during the next marking period; and For example, a student might receive a 3 in the first marking period and then receive a 2 in the second marking period.
Thanks & Questions Thank you to the committee for your hard work and commitment to this task! Any questions????
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