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Neuro-Oncology Fellowship

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1 Neuro-Oncology Fellowship
Yazmín Odia, MD MSc Teri N Kreisl, MD

2 FYI Brain Tumor Program
CUMC/NYP NOnc growing rapidly A Lassman, Div chair (2011), F Iwamoto (2012), Y Odia (2013), T Kreisl (2014) Both Inpatient Consultations and Clinics Primary and Secondary CNS Minor role in neurologic complications of systemic cancer and antineoplastic therapy Multidisciplinary Approach Neurosurgery, Radiation Oncology, NeuroPathology, NeuroRadiology, Oncology

3 FYI NOnc Research Portfolio
Numerous Trial Protocols Basic Science: Bartolli Brain Tumor Lab Co-Directors: J Bruce (NSU) and P Canoll (Npath) Translational Program Bartolli Lab collaborations with YO and Nrads Retrospective Database Research Ancillary Staff: 4 CRCs, 2 RNs, 1 Reg with support from HICCC staff A Lassman: Medical Director, Clinical Protocol & Data Management Office (CPDM), HICCC, NYP/CUMC

4 Fellowship Program

5 Developing a Fellowship in a Rich Diverse Milieu
Weekly half-day clinics provides longitudinal training in continuity care with direct faculty mentorship Inpatient consultations focus on acute management of neurologic involvement of systemic cancer or therapy, acute and peri-operative care of primary brain tumor patients and work-up of pati≤ents with potential brain neoplasms. Required neuropathology and radiation oncology blocks provide more in-depth exposure to critical aspects of the diagnosis and treatment of brain tumor patients. 2nd year allows ≤50% protected time for research, either longitudinally or in blocks to facilitate clinical and/or basic science research projects via 1:1 mentorship by the multidisciplinary faculty within NYP/CUMC

6 Developing a Fellowship in a Rich Diverse Milieu
Goal: Provide comprehensive training in clinical care and cutting edge research for primary and secondary brain tumors Varied exposures and supportive faculty to ensure excellence in Neuro-Oncology, from continuity clinics to inpatient consultations, plus multidisciplinary collaborations in both patient care and clinical and translational research Increasing level of independence Personalized professional development

7 Neuro-Oncology Fellowship Letters of Interest Welcomed!
Contact: Fellowship Director Teri N Kreisl, MD

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