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ESA/FAO Contribution STATUS & PLANS ADC Full Committee Geneva 1 March 2007.

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1 ESA/FAO Contribution STATUS & PLANS ADC Full Committee Geneva 1 March 2007

2 EARLY 2006 GEO Workplan 2006 Data Management Task (DA-06- 07) requests ADC to “define a model web portal system for access to all Earth Observation data, based on existing portals and systems, designed to increase use, quality, and accessibility of existing information, tools, and networks.” The task proposes three initial areas of work, i.e. –Request hosting proposals and recommend host to maintain a model web portal system including access to other GEO information, incl. the GEO Clearinghouse –Deploy one or more prototypes of the model web portal system –Select a prototype system to serve as the GEO home portal. GEO WP 2006

3 JULY 2006 No ADC activity on Data Management Task (DA-06-07) on the GEOportal, e.g. no RFI ESA Proposal to define, deploy, host and maintain a GEOportal as ESA contribution to GEOSS @ ADC Seattle meeting Seattle ADC

4 July 2006 - December 2006 August 2006: ESA Statement of Work to industry for a “GEOportal – ESA Contribution” September 2006: Kick-off of Contract incl. WP with FAO Geonetwork November 2006: –Demonstration of Prototype @ GEO-III Plenary –GEOPortal on the list of early successes –Presentation to UIC meeting December 2006: RFI of Data Management Task (DA-06-07) on the GEOportal under discussion. ESA/FAO Activities

5 January - March 2007 February 2007: –GEOportal contribution prototype on-line @ –Follow-up of Bonn Demonstration with UIC and CBC for further feedback –DA-06-07 RFI issued –ESA/FAO joint answer to RFI based on already ongoing work since ADC Seattle March 2007: –Today: Presentation of ESA/FAO Contribution to GEOportal @ FAO/UNSDI Partners meeting hosted at ESA 2007 UNSDI GLOBAL PARTNERS MEETING ESA-ESRIN; Frascati, Italy; 1, 2 March 2007

6 UNSDI GLOBAL PARTNERS MEETING ESA-ESRIN; Frascati, Italy; 1, 2 March 2007 Identified the following majors content platforms of relevance:  UNGIWG  FAO GeoNetwork  FIVIMS - Food Insecurity and Vulnerability Information and Mapping Systems  GIEWS - Global Information and Early Warning Service  Identification of other resources work in progress GEOportal UN-FAO Resources

7 Identified Services and Portals per SBA Disaster (1) RESPOND Health FAO Energy (6) International Energy Agency, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, European Environment Agency, EU-IES-Geogrpahical assessment of Solar Energy Resource, Wind Atlases of the World, SoDA (Solar Energy and Radiation Climate (5) Climatic Research Unit (CRU), NOAA National Centres for Environmental Predictions (NCEP), National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) Global Precipitation Climatology Centre (GPCC), Global Climate Observing System (GCOS), Water (7) WHYCOS (World Hydrological, Cycle Observing System), Global Water Quality Data and Statistics, Global Runoff Data Centre, Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS), European Environment Agency, European Sea-Level Service - ESEAS, SeaDataNet, FAO Weather (4) World Weather Information Service, European Center for Medium Range Weather forecasts, Co-ordination Group for Meteorological Satellites (CGMS), EUMETSAT Ecosystem (3) The Global Integrated Trends Analysis Network (GITAN), Diversitas, European Pollutant Emission Register - EPER Agriculture (1) FAO Biodiversity (3) European Nature Information System (EUNIS), European Community Biodiversity Clearing House Mechanism, The Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) UNSDI GLOBAL PARTNERS MEETING ESA-ESRIN; Frascati, Italy; 1, 2 March 2007

8 RFI Requirement Support for suggested portal functional requirements: provides access to GEOSS resources through standard interfaces using standards identified by GEO. These include but are not limited to ISO 23950, Open Geospatial Consortium Web Map Service (WMS), Open Geospatial Consortium Catalogue Service. ESA/FAO Response ESA/FAO’s contribution to GEOPortal shall provide access to GEOSS resources at least as follows: –As compatible with the GeoNetwork opensource 2.1 software, i.e. OGC Catalogue Service CSW ISO API profile, ESA/FAO intend also to collaborate to provide a JSR168 interface to GeoNetwork –A planned evolution to GeoNetwork opensource 3.0 software, ESA/FAO are collaborating to upgrade the GeoNetwork software to the OGC preferred catalogue profile ISO ISO/TS 15000-3 –As compatible with WMS, and accessed via WMS client integrated will be integrated into ESA contribution to GEOPortal ESA/FAO RFI Response

9 RFI Requirement Operations or support to operations throughout the operational phase. Identify what levels of service you could provide. (optional) ESA/FAO Response ESA currently operates and maintains a number of community web sites such as our eoportal and the site. Our commitment is to operate the GEOPortal contribution by providing frequent updates and overall availability of the site at a level expected by an international operating organisation. ESA/FAO RFI Response

10 RFI Requirement availability for and having a low or minimal cost of installation and operation by GEO member and participating organization sites. ESA/FAO Response ESA/FAO’s contribution to GEOPortal will be based on selected open source components RFI Requirement readily customized by any organization for their domain interests and in support of Societal Benefit Area applications ESA/FAO Response ESA/FAO’s contribution to GEOPortal will be pre-configured to be structured as per GEO Societal Benefit Areas. RFI Requirement Support for suggested portal operations and maintenance requirements: ensure maintenance of offered Portal software throughout the operational phase including the evolution of clients, interfaces, and system components ESA/FAO Response A maintenance and evolution plan is in place.. ESA/FAO RFI Response








18 Next Steps Contribution to ADC AR-07-02 -RFI/RFP Process -Feedback from UIC -Requirements from CBC -Operational release V1 planned mid 2007 -Co-ordination with Clearinghouse / ESA support to OGC on HMA/FedEO

19 Next Steps How to go from here to Ministerial? ESA is available -to contribute a GEOportal capability -to coordinate with the Clearinghouse deliverable -to coordinate with GEONetcast to jointly define the “scenario” for demonstration Schedule/ Commitments/ Deliverables?

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