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ECE 582: Electrical and Computer Engineering Design I Introduction, TI Contest, and Technical Definitions.

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Presentation on theme: "ECE 582: Electrical and Computer Engineering Design I Introduction, TI Contest, and Technical Definitions."— Presentation transcript:

1 ECE 582: Electrical and Computer Engineering Design I Introduction, TI Contest, and Technical Definitions

2 Office Hours Chris Barthol Email: Office:Caldwell 380 Office Hours: MWF 1-3pm Please email me before hand

3 Goals for this lecture TI Contest Go over technical definitions Assignments  Resume  Due Today

4 TI Contest gram/index.htm gram/index.htm

5 Technical Definitions Chapter 3 in Pocket Book of Technical Writing by Finkelstein “In technical writing, definition is the process by which one assigns a precise meaning to a term.” – Fink, p.25

6 Technical Definitions II (Qualifier +) Term = Classification + Differentiation Qualifier:  “used when general context for a definition needs to be established up front” – Fink p.26 Classification:  “a general category in which the term fits” – Fink p.27 Differentiation:  “Narrowing the meaning of the term to just one possibility within the class.” – Fink p.29

7 Technical Definitions III Know you audience Define abbreviations the first time you use them Your technical definition may spur the need for more technical definitions. (Extensions – Fink page 30)  Further definition  Compare and Contrast  Classification  Cause and Effect  Process  Exemplification  Etymology

8 Abstraction Ladder

9 Group Time Form into groups

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