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Economic Downturn Focus Group 6 October 2009 Facilitated by Linda Wilson and David Tickle.

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Presentation on theme: "Economic Downturn Focus Group 6 October 2009 Facilitated by Linda Wilson and David Tickle."— Presentation transcript:

1 Economic Downturn Focus Group 6 October 2009 Facilitated by Linda Wilson and David Tickle

2 Aims To identify risks to the quality of provision, quality processes and performance measures as a result of the economic downturn. To discuss the impact of these risks on quality assurance and quality improvement processes. To explore strategies to manage these risks through PRD activity. To develop a dialogue with the PRD community on the value of PRD in responding to the economic downturn/

3 What new quality issues has the recession posed for your organisation?

4 What has been the impact of the economic downturn on your SAR and QIP?

5 How has your PRD activity been affected by the economic downturn? What will you do differently in your PRD group following todays discussion?

6 How can we best capture the experiences of the wider PRD community for dissemination across the sector?

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