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TITLE: Acknowledging what God has done. TEXT: Luke 17: 11-19 THEME: The church, like believers, should recognize and praise God for what He has done.

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Presentation on theme: "TITLE: Acknowledging what God has done. TEXT: Luke 17: 11-19 THEME: The church, like believers, should recognize and praise God for what He has done."— Presentation transcript:


2 TITLE: Acknowledging what God has done. TEXT: Luke 17: 11-19 THEME: The church, like believers, should recognize and praise God for what He has done.


4 Did you not get what you wanted for Christmas?

5 Did you head straight to Twitter to complain?


7 mikaela tori: I'm so jealous of everyone with the white iPhone and I have this ugly black one:

8 Leon Bemard: Other than getting a camera and a iPad this Christmas stinks

9 Paul Reyes No Iphone. I hate my dad.

10 darcie_williams: My mom only got me diamond earrings, odd future jacket, 30$, my mom got a tablet, brother got a laptop, She lied to me... she was saying she was going to upgrade my black IPhone 4 into a white one but she didn’t so its #mom!

11 ButterCup.Attitude: stinks.Still didn't get my car (but I did get a MacBook Pro lap)

12 Annonyumous: hate how my mom has to ruin Christmas by getting everyone stupid gifts…where the * is the iPhone i asked for?! jerk!

13 austin edington: Kinda mad I didn't get the iphone4 but I got the ipod touch

14 DanleilaKTaylor: so mad I want to cry :'( I didn't want another stupid blackberry for Christmas I wanted a pair of jordans).

15 Amie: My sister has just killed my ipod cus shes got a white one. And I’ve got a black one #sad times and hers is a wee bit better =disappointed much

16 ARealTrophey: Didn't get my car so I’m not feeling Christmas.


18 Why is praising God for what He has done important?

19 I. Because God is interested in more than meeting your physical needs. (11-13)

20 Luke 17 11 Now on his way to Jerusalem, Jesus traveled along the border between Samaria and Galilee. 12 As he was going into a village, ten men who had leprosy met him. They stood at a distance 13 and called out in a loud voice, “Jesus, Master, have pity on us!”

21 I. Because God is interested in more than meeting your physical needs. (11-13)

22 Lev. 1345-:46 “45 “Anyone with such a defiling disease (specifically leprosy) must wear torn clothes, let their hair be unkempt, cover the lower part of their face and cry out, ‘Unclean! Unclean!’ 46 As long as they have the disease they remain unclean. They must live alone; they must live outside the camp.” Lepers must segregate from society Jews must segregate from Samaritans- All are separated from God- Only one will change

23 I. Because God is interested in more than meeting your physical needs. (11-13) A. All recognized their need for physical healing- but not spiritual.

24 I. Because God is interested in more than meeting your physical needs. (11-13) A. All recognized their need for physical healing- but not spiritual. Lepers must segregate from society

25 I. Because God is interested in more than meeting your physical needs. (11-13) A. All recognized their need for physical healing- but not spiritual. B. They failed to understand their greatest need was not physical healing. Lepers must segregate from society

26 Three degrees of Separation Lepers must segregate from society

27 Three degrees of Separation Lepers must segregate from society Jews must segregate from Samaritans-

28 Three degrees of Separation Lepers must segregate from society Jews must segregate from Samaritans- All are separated from God- Only one will change

29 James Dunn "Ladies and Gentlemen, as long as we have tests, we will have prayer in school."


31 Why is praising God for what He has done important?

32 II. Because God wants us to acknowledge the source of our healing and provision. (14)

33 Luke 17:14 When he saw them, he said, “Go, show yourselves to the priests.” And as they went, they were cleansed.

34 II. Because God wants us to acknowledge the source of our healing and provision. (14) A.All experienced God’s healing and grace. B.Their healing was clearly the result of Jesus

35 Duet. 14:8 In cases of defiling skin diseases, be very careful to do exactly as the Levitical priests instruct you. You must follow carefully what I have commanded them

36 Duet. 14:8 In cases of defiling skin diseases, be very careful to do exactly as the Levitical priests instruct you. You must follow carefully what I have commanded them. (The Hebrew word for defiling skin diseases, traditionally translated “leprosy,” was used for various diseases affecting the skin.)

37 II. Because God wants us to acknowledge the source of our healing and provision. (14) A. All experienced God’s healing and grace.

38 Praise gets our focus of the ground and into the sky.


40 Quote: “An ungrateful man is like a hog under a tree eating fallen apples, but never looking up to see where they come from.”


42 Why is praising God for what He has done important?

43 III. Because God is concerned our spiritual well-being. (15-19)

44 Luke 17: 15 One of them, when he saw he was healed, came back, praising God in a loud voice. 16 He threw himself at Jesus’ feet and thanked him—and he was a Samaritan. 17 Jesus asked, “Were not all ten cleansed? Where are the other nine? 18 Has no one returned to give praise to God except this foreigner?” 19 Then he said to him, “Rise and go; your faith has made you well.”

45 III. Because God is concerned our spiritual well-being. (15-19) A. Only one returned to thank Jesus for what he had done

46 III. Because God is concerned our spiritual well-being. (15-19) A. Only one returned to thank Jesus for what he had done. B. Only one received the spiritual benefits

47 III. Because God is concerned our spiritual well-being. (15-19) A. Only one returned to thank Jesus for what he had done. B. Only one received the spiritual benefits C. He received the spiritual benefits because of his gratitude

48 In acknowledging what God has done: Our faith is strengthened.

49 In acknowledging what God has done: Our faith is strengthened. Our spiritual separation is removed

50 In acknowledging what God has done: Our faith is strengthened. Our spiritual separation is removed. Our relationship with God is enhanced. God is rightly honored.

51 In acknowledging what God has done: Our faith is strengthened. Our spiritual separation is removed. Our relationship with God is enhanced. God is rightly honored.

52 In acknowledging what God has done: Our faith is strengthened. Our spiritual separation is removed. Our relationship with God is enhanced. God is rightly honored. God is more inclined to help us in other needs.

53 THE KEY TO HAPPINESS "It is good to give thanks to the Lord," begins the 92nd Psalm. Why? Because God needs our gratitude? No: because we need it. Learning to be thankful, whether to God or to other people, is the best vaccination against taking good fortune for granted. And the less you take for granted, the more pleasure and joy life will bring you.


55 APPLICATION: Over this last year God has blessed our church greatly. Look at what He has done. See Vision Booklet List. Look at how we should praise Him. I believe God wants to continue to bless us- but let’s not forget what he has done already.


57 So love now. Enjoy today. Be grateful this instant. Squeeze every drop of joy from each day. Pray hard and love deeply. And if you can, send your mom a Mother's Day card.


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