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FACS Flourescens Activeted Cell s ortering. användningsområden.

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Presentation on theme: "FACS Flourescens Activeted Cell s ortering. användningsområden."— Presentation transcript:

1 FACS Flourescens Activeted Cell s ortering

2 användningsområden

3 FACS diagram

4 FACS modell

5 Hydrodynamisk fokusering

6 laminärntflöde

7 Tubulent flöde

8 Laminärtflöde parametrar

9 Skum Foam The relatively stable foam of beer, for example, results from an interaction between a protein fraction rich in basic and aromatic amino acids and the hop bitter compounds. Developing and improving knowledge of the relationship between peptide concentration and structure and foam performance can lead to improved understanding, analysis and control of this complicated property of food products. Dr. Karl J. Siebert Dr. Karl J. Siebert - (Tel: 315-787-2299) Email:

10 Ljusspridning - partikelstorlek

11 Scattering

12 Forward scatter

13 Side scatter

14 Side scatter vs Forward scatter University of Utah

15 scatterplot

16 fluorimeteroptik Vaccine Research Center / 40 Convent Drive / Bethesda, Maryland 20892

17 Fluorimeter

18 Flourescens färger Fluorescein

19 Fluorescens plott

20 Lin och log



23 Apoptotiska celler As cells die or become apoptotic the refractive index of the internal cytoplasm becomes more similar to that of the extracellular medium - this manifests itself as a reduction in forward scatter signal. At the same time, intracellular changes and invagination of the cytoplasmic membrane lead to an increase in side (or orthogonal or 90°) scatter. If we add a dead cell discriminatory dye we can identify cells that have become permeable. In this way we can get low level resolution of dead and apoptotic cells.

24 endotelceller Isolation of lymph endothelial cells (LEC) from dermal skin capillary ECs a case study with cells from one donor pre-selected by CD31 magneto bead sorting R2= total cells R1= living cells

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