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Our new Pope – Pope Francis I. Pope Francis I is the first Latin American Pope. He was born in Argentina. He is 76 years old.

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Presentation on theme: "Our new Pope – Pope Francis I. Pope Francis I is the first Latin American Pope. He was born in Argentina. He is 76 years old."— Presentation transcript:

1 Our new Pope – Pope Francis I

2 Pope Francis I is the first Latin American Pope. He was born in Argentina. He is 76 years old.

3 How is a Pope Chosen? The 115 cardinals involved in the 2013 election were in isolation since Tuesday afternoon, and held four inconclusive votes – that means they couldn’t decide and agree who should be Pope. At least 77 of them, or two-thirds, would have had to vote for Pope Francis to become their first choice.

4 The Cardinals all gather in the uplifting setting of the Sistene Chapel. The Cardinals are the most senior members of the Catholic Church.

5 Smoke from the Vatican! At the end of the first day black smoke was sent out as a signal that a Pope had not been chosen. Today, white smoke was seen coming from the Chimney of the Sistine Chapel as the bells rang out to say a Pope had been chosen!

6 Why is he called Pope Francis I? It is believed the name he has taken is reminiscent of St Francis of Assisi, the 13th Century Italian reformer and patron saint of animals, who lived in poverty. St Francis of Assisi is a man who turned his back on power and wealth to dedicate himself to a radical life of Christian poverty, evangelisation and peace- making. He belongs to the Jesuits, or the Society of Jesus, which for 400 years was the most popular order in the Catholic Church and its members were known for their bravery and academic excellence.

7 Some interesting facts about Pope Francis I He likes to travel by bus. He has lived for more than 50 years with one functioning lung. He had the other removed as a young man because of infection. He is the son of an Italian railway worker. He trained as a chemist. He is the first non-European Pope in the modern era. He speaks fluent Italian, as well as Spanish and German. Until now he has been living in a small flat, turning his back on a formal bishop's residence which would be luxury in comparison! He told Argentinians not to travel to Rome to celebrate if he was appointed but to give their money to the poor instead.

8 Tweet @pontifica Hundreds of thousands of people waited in the rain to see who the new Pope would be. Pope Francis I already has a twitter account with over 1.6million followers. David Cameron and President Obama were one of the first to tweet their congratulations! The bells of St Paul’s Basilica rang out as people chanted ‘Viva il Papa’ – Long live the Pope!

9 Let us pray together. Lord, Let us begin this journey together, this journey for the Roman Catholic Church. It's a journey of friendship and love and faith between us. Let us pray for one another, Let us pray for all the world, Let us set off on a path of love and fraternity. Amen

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