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Welcome to Back to School Night Gretchen Stotler Algebra I.

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2 Welcome to Back to School Night Gretchen Stotler Algebra I

3 My Background Central Bucks East 1997 - 2004 Central Bucks South 2004 – Teaching for 12+ years Courses taught: Geometry/Trig II, Precalculus/Trig III, Calculus 1, Calculus 2, AP Calculus AB, SAT Prep, Algebra I Assist with Girl’s Track

4 The Course 4 Course of Study –Operations with Signed Numbers (6-8 blocks) –Evaluation (4-5 blocks) –Polynomials (14-15 blocks) –Equations (12-13 blocks) –Inequalities (4-5 blocks) –Coordinate Plane (20-23 blocks) –Factoring (12-12 blocks)

5 The Course (cont.) 4 Tests/quizzes – normally at least one per week 4 Final Exam (with performance assessments) 4 Participation/Classwork (starts with 80/100) and counts for two quiz grades.

6 Grading 4 Weighted average – tests count three times as much as quizzes 4 Classwork/Participation = two quizzes 4 Each MP = 40%, Final Exam = 20%

7 Technology 4 Students should have access to a scientific calculator if possible. 4 We frequently use laptop computers to enhance learning.

8 Recommendations 4 Once your son or daughter has successfully completed Algebra I Topics, he/she should take either Algebra II topics or Geometry topics (the order does not matter).

9 Extra Help 4 Mornings: 6:55 – 7:25 4 After school*

10 Communication 4 Email:

11 Encourage your son/daughter to take the PSAT’s 4 We offer the PSAT’s here at South on October 18 th.

12 Information Sheet –Name (esp. if different than son/daughter) –Work phone (if you want) –Email –Any information you would like me to know about your son/daughter –Any specific questions you have that I haven’t answered this evening.

13 Parent Portal 4 You can log onto the website anytime and check grades. I only put the homework/participation grades in at the end of the semester.

14 Thank You for Coming!

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