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BUSINESS & SOCIETY Ethics and Stakeholder Management

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1 BUSINESS & SOCIETY Ethics and Stakeholder Management
Chapter 2 BUSINESS & SOCIETY Ethics and Stakeholder Management Carroll & Buchholtz 6e CORPORATE CITIZENSHIP: SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY, RESPONSIVENESS, and PERFORMANCE Prepared by Deborah Baker Texas Christian University Chapter 2- Business and Society: Ethics and Stakeholder Management, 6e • Carroll & Buchholtz Copyright ©2006 by South-Western, a division of Thomson Learning.  All rights reserved

2 Chapter 2 Learning Outcomes
Explain how corporate social responsibility (CSR) evolved and encompasses economic, legal, ethical, and philanthropic components. Provide business examples of CSR and corporate citizenship. Differentiate between corporate citizenship, social responsibility, responsiveness, and performance. Elaborate on the concept of corporate social performance (CSP). Chapter 2- 2

3 Chapter 2 Learning Outcomes (continued)
Provide an overview of studies relating social performance to financial performance. Describe the socially responsible investing movement. Chapter 2- 2

4 Chapter 2 Outline The CSR Concept
Arguments Against and For Corporate Social Responsibility Corporate Social Responsiveness Corporate Social Performance Business’s Interest in Corporate Social Performance Corporate Citizenship Social Performance and Financial Performance Socially Responsible or Ethical Investing Summary The Corporate Social Responsibility Concept Historical Perspective on CSR Corporate Social Responsibility The Four-Part Definition of CSR Arguments Against and For Corporate Social Responsibility Arguments Against CSR Arguments for CSR Corporate Social Responsiveness Ackerman and Bauer’s Action-Orients View Sethi’s Three-Stage Schema Frederick’s CSR1 and CSR2 Epstein’s Process View Other Views Measurable Dimensions of Responsiveness Corporate Social Performance Carroll’s Corporate Social Performance Model Usefulness of the Model to Academics and Managers Wartick and Cochran’s Extensions Wood’s Reformulated Model Nonacademic Research on Corporate Social Performance Social Performance and Financial Performance Socially Conscious or Ethical Investing Summary Chapter 2-

5 Carroll’s Four-Part Definition of CSR
Understanding the Four Components Responsibility Societal Expectation Examples Economic Required Be profitable. Maximize sales, minimize costs Legal Obey laws and regulations Ethical Expected Do what is right, fair, and just Philanthropic Desired/ Expected Be a good corporate citizen Chapter 2-

6 A Multiple Bottom-Line Perspective
Consumer Stakeholders’ “Bottom Line” Employee Stakeholders’ “Bottom Line” Community Stakeholders’ “Bottom Line” Owner Stakeholders’ “Bottom Line” Other Stakeholders’ “Bottom Line” Corporate Social Performance Chapter 2-

7 Selected Key Terms Business for Social Responsibility
community obligations corporate citizenship corporate social performance (CSP) corporate social performance model corporate social responsiveness corporate social responsibility corporate sustainability economic responsibilities ethical responsibilities legal responsibilities paternalism philanthropic responsibilities philanthropy Pyramid of CSR socially responsible or ethical investing sustainability Triple Bottom Line Chapter 2-

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