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Component 2a Creating an Environment of Respect and Rapport.

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Presentation on theme: "Component 2a Creating an Environment of Respect and Rapport."— Presentation transcript:

1 Component 2a Creating an Environment of Respect and Rapport

2 Teacher Interaction with Students Think-Pair-Share ways you create a positive environment of respect and rapport in your classroom.

3 What does respect look like? Teacher to Student & Student to Student / Responding appropriately to incorrect answers / Knowing your learners and peers / Friendliness / Active listening and taking turns / Other ideas? Teacher to Student & Student to Student / Responding appropriately to incorrect answers / Knowing your learners and peers / Friendliness / Active listening and taking turns / Other ideas?

4 The R&R Bank (Respect and Rapport)

5 Grow your “account”-ability. Form teams and select a Loan Officer. Take turns selecting an R & R Bank card. Earn $1 for identifying the Danielson proficiency level of the scenario. (Players may consult pages 36-37 in the Teacher Evaluation Instrument.) Players have 1 minute to identify the proficiency level. Earn $2 for correct responses for Bank Bonus Offers. Form teams and select a Loan Officer. Take turns selecting an R & R Bank card. Earn $1 for identifying the Danielson proficiency level of the scenario. (Players may consult pages 36-37 in the Teacher Evaluation Instrument.) Players have 1 minute to identify the proficiency level. Earn $2 for correct responses for Bank Bonus Offers.

6 Reflection 3-2-1

7 People will forget what you said. They will forget what you did. But they will never forget how you made them feel. Anna Quindlen

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