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WELCOME Region 4 Meeting January 22-24, 2010 Detroit, Michigan.

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1 WELCOME Region 4 Meeting January 22-24, 2010 Detroit, Michigan

2 2 Region 4 Budget 2010 Sat Basu Treasurer Region Meeting Saturday, January 23, 2010

3 R4 Budget 2010 – Revenue Total Revenue……………….………… $98,500 Rebate from IEEE HQ……….…..……… $58,000 Region 4 Assessment ……….…..…….. $39,000 Rebate from IEEE-USA……....…………. $16,000 MGAB Support – SSVR……………….... $ 0 MGAB Support – Director Travel in R4... $ 0 MGAB Support – RSAC+RSR Travel..... $ 0 Conference [Seed-EIT2010] …………….…… $ 5,000 Concentration Banking Interest………… $ 500 Section Congress 2011 Reserve………-$20,000 3

4 Region 4 Budget 2010-Expense Total Expense…………….……………..………$98,500 Region Committee [Travel-10k,Facility10k] ………….… $20,000 Executive Committee [Travel-8k,Facility8k] …………... $16,000 SSVR-Section Support Via Region ……...………. $ 0 R4 Director [Travel3k,Management+Discretion0.5k] ….....… $ 3,500 R4 Director Elect [Travel4.5k,Resource1k] ………………. $ 5,500 R4 Secretary ………………….......……………………… $ 200 R4 Treasurer ………………………………………...……. $ 300 R4 Past Director …………………….…..…………….. $ 100 R4 Advisor……. …………………….…..…………….. $ 200 Area Chairs [East0.2K,Cental0.5K,West0.2K]… ……………. $ 900 4

5 R4 Budget 2010–Expense [contd.] Awards Activity………………….………………..$ 800 Communications Activity [Telecon0.7k,e-Meeting0.5k].. $ 1,200 Conference Activity [EIT2009 Support11k] ………......$11,000 Educational Activity………………….…………..$ 300 Membership Activity [MDev3k,GOLD2.5k,WIE1k].…....$ 6,500 Professional Activity [Projects$9k, Travel $11k]..........$20,000 Student Activity [Ldrshp$5k,PrjPpr$2k,SAC $2k] ……..$ 9,000 Technical Activity [Awd $0.5k,eConf $1.5k,Spkr $1k] ….... $ 3,000 ==================================================================================== R4 Balanced Budget => Revenue=>$98,500 Expense =>$98,500 R4 Reserve for Section Congress 2011 => $20,000 5

6 6 Region 4 Finance 2009 Sat Basu Treasurer Region Meeting Saturday, January 23, 2010

7 R4 Finance 2009–Revenue R4 Revenue 2009………Budget$Actual$Srpl/Dfc$ Total Revenue…………. $104,000 $101,100 -$ 2,900 Rebate from IEEE HQ…. $ 57,800 $ 38,700-$19,100 Region 4 Assessment….. $ 39,200 $ 40,700 $ 1,500 Rebate from IEEE-USA… $ 16,000 $ 22,400 $ 6,400 MGAB SSVR…………..… $ 0 $ 0-$ 0 MGAB Director Travel….. $ 3,000 $ 0-$ 3,000 MGAB RSAC+RSR Trvl… $ 0 $ 2,000 $ 2,000 Conference [EIT2009$5k]. $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ 0 Conference Surplus… $ 0 $ 11,500 $11,500 Conc. Banking Interest…. $ 3,000 $ 300-$ 2,700 Conc. Bank Spl-10 th Annv. $ 0 $ 500 $ 500 Sec Cong 2011 Reserve..-$ 20,000-$ 20,000 $ 0 7

8 R4 Finance 2009-Expense R4 Expense 2009Budget$Actual$ Srpl/Dfc$ Total Expense…………. $104,000 $117,400-$13,400 Region Committee……… $ 20,000 $ 50,900-$30,900 Executive Committee….. $ 16,000 $ 0 $16,000 Section Congress 2008.. $ 0 $ 5,300-$ 5,300 SSVR-Sec. Sup. Via Rgn.. $ 0 $ 800-$ 800 R4 Director………….....… $ 3,500 $ 2,900 $ 600 R4 Director Elect………… $ 5,000 $ 4,300 $ 700 R4 Secretary…………… $ 400 $ 0 $ 400 R4 Treasurer…………… $ 400 $ 200 $ 200 R4 Past Director…………. $ 100 $ 0 $ 100 R4 Advisor………..………. $ 100 $ 0 $ 100 R4 Area Chairs....………. $ 600 $ 500 $ 100 8

9 R4 Finance 2009-Expense [contd.] R4 Expense 2009 [Contd.] Budget$Actual$Srpl/dfc$ Awards Activity………… $ 700 $ 800-$ 100 Communications Activity… $ 500 $ 600-$ 100 Conference Activity………. $11,000 $ 9,000 $ 2,000 Educational Activity………. $ 200 $ 0 $ 200 Membership Activity..……. $ 5,500 $ 5,700-$ 200 Professional Activity…… $24,500 $29,000-$ 4,500 Student Activity…………… $12,500 $ 6,600 $ 5,900 Technical Activity………… $3,000 $ 800 $ 2,200 ================================================================================================================================= Total Surplus/Deficit 2009 => -$13,400CheckingInvestment [Mkt Val] Balance Beginning of Year [01/01/09]=>$42,300$128,400 Balance End of Year [12/31/09] =>$38,900 $164,300 9

10 10 Region4 Conference Administrator’s Report Sat Basu Conference Administrator Region 4 Meeting Saturday, January 23, 2010

11 11 Responsibilities Coordinate with Sections, Chapters, Universities and other Institutions to Initiate, Launch and Support Conferences Coordinate with TAB Societies and other Activity Organizations for Financial and Administrative Supports Provide Special Efforts on the Region 4 EIT Conferences –Initiate Conference location –Maintain Continuous Communication

12 12 Highlights of 2009 Activities EIT2009-University Of Windsor–East Area –Administrative, Financial Reports complete –Conference Papers are in IEEE-EXPLORE EIT2010-Illinois State University-Central Area –Preliminary Budget Complete –Call For Papers Issued EIT2011-Minnesota State University-West Area –Conference is in Planning Stage

13 13 Plan for 2010 Coordinate with EIT2010 Chairs on total Management of the Conference –Continue Conference Calls –Finalize Conference Facility –Coordinate on Reception, Banquet, etc –Arrange Key Note Speakers –Include Professional and Student tracks –Obtain Sponsorship and Exhibitors

14 Plan for 2010 [Contd.] Coordinate with EIT2011Conference Chairs on Planning and Management –Initiate Planning Meeting for EIT2011 –Prepare Preliminary Budget –Issue Call for Papers –Initiate Conference Calls Decide Locations for EIT2012, EIT2013 14

15 EIT2009 Finance Revenue-$37,100 –Registration-$32,200 –Publication-$ 2,300 –Other-$ 2,600 Expense-$25,600 –Facility And Food-$19,400 –Conference Material-$ 3,800 –Other-$ 2,400 Surplus--$11,500 15

16 16 Region 4 Treasurer’s Report Sat Basu Treasurer Region Meeting Saturday, January 23, 2010

17 Responsibilities =>Handle Region 4 Finances Prepare Balanced Budget for the Year –Coordinate with R4 Ex-Com Members for Budget Inputs –Obtain Region Committee Approval Develop new tools to provide –Financial Visibility –Up-to-date financial standing –Budget VS Actual Revenue and Expense 17

18 Responsibilities [contd.] Handle Region 4 Finances [contd.] Provide Training To Section Treasurers Prepare Annual L-50 R4 Finance Report Prepare Various Financial Reports as necessary and/or Requested Prepare and Save complete set of documentation for Auditing purposes 18

19 Responsibilities [contd.] => Coordinate Financial Issues Discuss with MGA Treasurer on Funding Obtain MGA and Other IEEE Funding Approve Concentration Banking Transactions Approve Transfer of Funds to and from R4 Investments Accounts 19

20 Responsibilities [contd.] Coordinate Financial Issues [contd.] Recommend Region 4 Financial Policies per IEEE Rules and Regulations Recommend Strategic Planning Finances as needed Recommend Finances to Sections as needed Resolve Financial Issues within R4 20

21 21 Highlights of 2009 Activities R4 Finance Visibility through-out the year R4 2010 Budget prepared for Approval Adjust R4 2010 Budget as necessary Coordinate and Prepare EIT2010 Budget - Complete Coordinate and Prepare EIT2009 Final Finance Report - Complete

22 22 Plans for 2010 Initiate Section Treasurer Training Session Update Region 4 Financial Picture Report R4-2009 Finances - Complete Coordinate and Prepare EIT2011 Budget Provide Funding to Sections per Committee and Director Approvals Issue Checks to Ex-Com, Rgn-Com and other Members for approved Expenses

23 Plans for 2010 [Contd.] Prepare 2010 R4 Financial Report L50 Coordinate and Prepare R4 2011 Budget for Approval Modify R4 2010 Budget if necessary Coordinate and Prepare EIT2011 Budget Coordinate and Prepare SC2011 Budget Complete EIT2010 Financial Report Report R4-2010 Finances 23

24 Plans for 2010 [Contd.] Improve and expand funding sources for Sections Guidance on limitations for corporate sponsorship Simplification of L50 report Allow all needed Concentration Banking data to be imported to L50 report. 24

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