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Blended learning approach Name of presenter Prevention of Postpartum Hemorrhage Initiative (POPPHI) Project PATH KwaZulu Natal DOH Path/Durban The Atlantic.

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Presentation on theme: "Blended learning approach Name of presenter Prevention of Postpartum Hemorrhage Initiative (POPPHI) Project PATH KwaZulu Natal DOH Path/Durban The Atlantic."— Presentation transcript:

1 Blended learning approach Name of presenter Prevention of Postpartum Hemorrhage Initiative (POPPHI) Project PATH KwaZulu Natal DOH Path/Durban The Atlantic Philanthropies

2 Objectives By the end of this session, future AMTSL mentors will be able to: Describe the blended learning approach Describe solutions to potential challenges of the blended learning approach Describe anticipated outcomes of using the blended learning approach Describe development of the learner support system Describe the learning cycle Describe criteria for competence Describe roles and responsibilities of key players 5-1

3 Learning approach Self-paced learning (SPL) component for the theoretical portion combined with Clinical practicum for the clinical portion 5-2

4 Small group work Refer to the chapter “Blended learning approach for AMTSL” in the Mentor’s Guide (pages 5-7). Group 1: Describe potential challenges of group-based training activities Group 2: Describe advantages of the blended learning approach Group 3: Describe challenges of the blended learning approach Prepare a 2-5 minute presentation on your topic to the whole group. 5-3

5 Benefits of blended learning approach (1/2) Flexibility. A disciplined, independent provider is developed. Courses may be less expensive as they eliminate accommodation costs and reduce the learner’s time away from their post Education is made accessible to many providers. 5-4

6 Benefits of blended learning approach (2/2) The amount of time learners are away from their facilities / post is reduced, thus ensuring less disruption of services. Fewer learners will be competing for clinical cases, thus increasing the probability that they will transfer newly learned skills to the work place. Learners study at their own pace. 5-5

7 Challenges of blended learning approach (1/2) Delay in communication and feedback. Solution? Limited face-to-face contact and opportunities for consultation with experts. Solution? Isolation of learners. Solution? Lack of libraries for reference/resource materials. Solution? 5-6

8 Challenges of blended learning approach (2/2) Personal problems interfering with studies. Solution? Courses often take longer to complete than group- based courses. Solution? The learning approach may not match with the learner’s learning style. Solution? 5-7

9 Criteria for competency 80% on assessment of selected clinical skills using an obstetric model 80% on assessment of selected clinical skills in the clinical area 80% on the post-course questionnaire. Learners will re-take the post-course test once if they receive <80% If they receive <80% on the second post-course test, they will be required to redo the identified sections 5-8

10 Anticipated outcomes of the blended learning approach Capacity building: Each site will be an accredited clinical training site with competent maternal and newborn health practitioners. Continuity: Each clinical site will have qualified AMTSL mentors who can continue training activities after end of the project. AMTSL mentors can use learning materials to train newly appointed staff or staff who are rotating. Standardization of practices: All providers giving maternal and newborn services will be using the same service delivery guidelines and standards. Recognition of training sites: The training facilities will be recognized and used for training providers working in peripheral health centers. 5-9

11 Learning cycle – Small group work Refer to the chapter “Learning Cycle” in the Mentor’s Guide (pages 15-17). Group 1: Describe activities in step 1 Group 2: Describe activities in step 2 Group 3: Describe activities in step 3 Group 4: Describe activities in step 4 Group 5: Describe activities in step 5 5-10

12  Learners read the Learner’s Guidebook and complete all learning activities in the Learner’s Notebook. 2 Learners receive an orientation to the learning approach and the subjects to be covered. Learners take a pre-course questionnaire to serve as a baseline and assess knowledge levels. Learners receive the course materials and develop a plan for completing them. 1 5-11

13 3  Take the mid- course questionnaire  Work with the AMTSL clinical instructor on demonstrations and return demonstrations using an obstetric model 4  Practice skills in the clinical area  Discuss challenges and solutions to application of skills in the workplace  Take the post-course questionnaire 5-12

14 5  Develop facility-specific goals and an action plan for mastering skills and for ensuring that skills are practiced to standard at the learner’s workplace  Agree on a plan for follow-up 5-13

15 Development of the learner support system 5-14

16 Trainers update the AMTSL mentors’ knowledge and skills Trainers evaluate if the AMTSL mentors are practicing to standard AMTSL mentors incorporate new standards into practice 1 2 3 AMTSL mentors support providers at the site using the blended learning approach 4 Trainers evaluate the site and all providers giving care during labour and childbirth Providers incorporate new standards into practice 5 5 days 2-3 wks 2 wks 2-3 wks

17 Work in pairs Read the chapter on “Roles and responsibilities of key players” in the Mentor’s Guide (pages 19-22) and get ready for an interactive game 5-16

18 Roles and responsibilities of key players (1/3) Who is responsible for informing the regional health management team when providers have successfully completed the training programme? Who supports the learning partner? Who ensures quality of training activities? Who ensures that selection criteria are respected when AMTSL mentors are selected? 5-17

19 Roles and responsibilities of key players (2/3) Who ensures internal supervision of skills being standardized? Who meets deadlines for completion of learning activities? Who chooses the clinical site? Who should conduct continual self-evaluation of skills? 5-18

20 Roles and responsibilities of key players (3/3) Who is responsible for carefully reading learning materials and completing learning activities? Who collects and analyzes data? Who takes the initiative to contact the AMTSL clinical instructor, the learning partner, or an experienced midwife in case of difficulties? Who is responsible for ensuring adequate stocks of medications, consumables, and materials at the clinical site? 5-19

21 Summary 1.What are the steps in the learning cycle? 2.What are criteria for competence? 3.When should trainers come to evaluate you after you have returned to your place of work? 5-20

22 Any questions??? 5-21

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