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Peer-Assisted Learning (PAL) enhancement across borders: Is it achievable? Dr S. D. Sivasubramaniam, Dr C. Thode and Prof F Lopez School of Science and.

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Presentation on theme: "Peer-Assisted Learning (PAL) enhancement across borders: Is it achievable? Dr S. D. Sivasubramaniam, Dr C. Thode and Prof F Lopez School of Science and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Peer-Assisted Learning (PAL) enhancement across borders: Is it achievable? Dr S. D. Sivasubramaniam, Dr C. Thode and Prof F Lopez School of Science and Technology, NTU and Institute of Biomedicine, University of Leon, Spain

2 22 October 2015 Objectives: - PAL with academic feedback Objectives: - PAL with academic feedback Enhance PAL amongst students from different countries. Support the process via academic feedback Assess the “learning process”; NOT the “acquired knowledge”

3 22 October 2015 “A collaborative approach in which pairs of students interact to enhance their learning process” Peer-assisted Learning (PAL) Peer-assisted Learning (PAL)

4 22 October 2015 The Challenge The Challenge Inter-university PAL beyond boarders. Collaboration between UG and PG students. Collaborative marking and feedback.

5 Methodology Methodology Students are groups With presentation titles PAL activity via Google- Share Academic feedback through out the process Presentation via Skype Assessment of the learning enhancement Obtaining student feedback about the activity

6 Feedback for Inter-university PAL Spanish Students

7 Feedback for Inter-university PAL NTU Students

8 22 October 2015 Performance Comparison – NTU students

9 22 October 2015 Positive comments:

10 My partner rarely engaged with the activity. We should have been given the choice to select our partners I learnt a lot about my subject via this activity. I really enjoyed the collaboration with Spanish students; we both learnt a lot Collaborative with UK students was fun!

11 Academic experience Time consuming! The experience was enjoyable! Rewarding to see the improvement!

12 Concluding remarks Inter-university PAL can successfully be used to enhance interactive preparation and scientific communication. It significantly improves the confidence of students in presenting in front of a multi- lingual audience. Overall, the student opinion strongly supported this activity.

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