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Presentation on theme: "COLLEGE SEMINAR FEBRUARY 10, 2014 *MY PERSONAL STUDY PLAN."— Presentation transcript:


2 BELL RINGER 5 MINUTES What strategies and habits of mind promote standardized testing success?

3 AIM I will be able to reflect on study habits I will be able to explain the 10,000 hour rule for achieving mastery I will be able to apply strategies to stay motivated, manage study time effectively, and avoid procrastination

4 CHAMPS C=conversation, you may speak during class share out and when directed to speak with your peers *REMINDER WE PRACTICE RESPECT! H=help, please raise your hand A=activity, you are sharing out and responding to the text. M=movement we are not, all supplies will be given to you P=participation, you are listening and responding to your peers, NO heads down, cell phones and/or eating

5 TALK WITH MY FEET 10 MINUTES Review Thursday’s lesson, ACT my goal and where I need to grow We are going to read statements, after the statement has been read you will move to the corner that expresses your opinion When you get to your corner we will share out and then move to the next statement.

6 TALK WITH MY FEET 10 MINUTES 1.I can identify my personal strengths and weaknesses on the ACT. 2.I need absolute quiet when I study. 3.I prefer to study with a group of three or more 4.I have a special place where I study where I have everything I need. 5.I have already met with a tutor to get help on the ACT. 6.I plan to spend at least 30 minutes of study time each day focusing specifically on the ACT. 7.I know where to find ACT practice exams to help me study. 8.I tend to daydream while studying for the ACT. 9.I can identify one person who can help me stay on track with my ACT study plan.

7 WHY STUDY 10 MINUTES Read the statement Thumbs up or Thumbs down “Success is a function of persistence and doggedness and the willingness to work hard for twenty-two minutes to make sense of something that most people would give up on after thirty seconds.” -Malcolm Gladwell

8 WHY STUDY 10 MINUTES 1.What did you find most surprising about this information? 2.Is the 10,000 hour rule consistent with other things you know about how brains grow and improve; how does it connect to the growth mindset? 3.Why do you think people often describe accomplished musicians or other professionals as geniuses when they are actually people who have worked hard for a long time to be good at what they do? 4.While we know that no one can (or should) study 10,000 hours for the ACT, how might we apply this idea to our preparation for the test?

9 MY STUDY STRATEGY 15 MINUTES Why do you need to study? How does this bring you closer to your ACT goal? Read directions to “My Own Winning Study Strategy” Work with you partner to complete your plan

10 EXIT TICKET 10 MINUTES “Think about the students that were in your various groups during the warm up. When I say go, everyone is going to stand up, find those people and collaborate with their plans. For example, if you both enjoyed working in groups, decide how you can get a study group together. If you wanted to work in silence, share tips with each other on where you will go to do that. You should circulate the room and talk to at least 3 different people. Any questions?”

11 Name: _____________________ Date: ______________ Tips for Creating Your Own Winning Study Strategy Directions: Read each tip for creating a personal study strategy. In the space below the tip, jot a few notes that will help you create a personal study strategy for ACT success. Tip 1: Think about your performance on practice ACT exams in advisory and/or your classes. What are your strengths? What are your weaknesses? Tip 2: Decide on how much time you can devote each day to improving your weaknesses. This is time outside of the school day. You should plan on spending at least one hour per day – or maybe more. Tip 3: Identify resources to support your study strategy. What tools and people can help you (i.e. study guides, computers, tutors, etc.)? Tip 4: Describe your ideal study space. Where is it? When will it happen – before school or after school? Who will be there? Are you alone, or studying with friends? Tip 5: Find one person who can make sure you stick to your plan. This can be a friend, a teacher, or a family member. Tip 6: Think of small ways to continue to motivate yourself. While studying can be tedious, looking forward to small rewards when you finish studying each day can help you along the way. (Examples: a jog in the park, rent a DVD, cook your favorite meal, plan an ice cream break with a friend, etc.)

12 Monday  Meet with Alex to review vocabulary flashcards.  Go to library to take a Reading Practice test online. (Be sure to thank the librarian for reserving my computer time in advance ) Tuesday  Review math formulas discussed in class. Meet with math tutor to make sure I understand them.  Take a practice Math ACT test with tutor. Review answers and learn why they are wrong. Wednesda y  Meet with math tutor to discuss math problems I still don’t understand. Thursday  Take a complete timed math test online. Friday  Create a plan for next week based on the successes and challenges of this week. Saturday  Relax!  Confirm my appointment date and time with my math tutor. Sunday  Revisit my plan for the upcoming week.  Schedule a day to meet with Alex to work on the ACT Reading passages shared in English class. Name: _____________________Date: ______________ My Own Winning Study Strategy Directions: Use the example below to create a study plan that meets your needs and fits your schedule. Sample ACT Study Strategy

13 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday


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