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Welcome to Honors Geometry! Mrs. Holman 2008-2009.

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2 Welcome to Honors Geometry! Mrs. Holman 2008-2009

3 Mrs. Sheri Holman Mrs. Sheri Holman Education Bowling Green State University – BS in Education Bowling Green State University – BS in Education Ashland University - Masters in Computer Technology Ashland University - Masters in Computer Technology Experience (15 years) Solon High School 2002 – PresentSolon High School 2002 – Present Wooster High School 1995 – 2002Wooster High School 1995 – 2002 Vermilion High School & Middle School 1992 - 1995Vermilion High School & Middle School 1992 - 1995

4 Objectives To apply geometry to real world problems To make connections between geometry and algebra and extend this to other topics To employ technology to solve problems To learn in a cooperative setting To communicate mathematics

5 Student Goals Honors Geometry Pose mathematical questions, such as “What if...?,” meaningfully and appropriately. Make conjectures and test their validity. Recognize and represent patterns mathematically or in prose. Appreciate geometry as a connected, systematic branch of mathematics. Apply geometry to solve problems in both mathematical and real-world contexts. Critique a logical argument. Communicate mathematical understanding effectively and formulate complete, logical arguments to support conclusions. Use algebra to formulate and solve equations arising from geometric situations both on and off a coordinate grid. Exhibit creativity and perseverance in mathematical problem solving, with the ability to determine when an approach is not working and a new direction is needed.

6 Required Materials Honors Geometry Text A sharpened pencil, pen, and colored pencils. A supply of notebook & graph paper in a 3-ring binder. A set of 5 colored divider tabs to insert into your binder for organizational purposes. A graphing calculator (TI-nspire or TI-84 + recommended) “The Geometer”, a geometry template available in the school bookstore.

7 Structure of the class Study Teams During this course you will collaborate with other students as a member of a study team. Together, each team will complete problems and activities that will help you discover new mathematical ideas and methods. This is a very student-centered class. I will support you as you work, but will not take away your opportunity to think and investigate for yourself. In order to be successful in this class you will need to be a willing and active participant as you develop your mathematical understanding.

8 Guidelines for Working in Study Teams Follow these guidelines for working in study teams: No talking outside your team. Discuss questions with your team before calling the teacher over. Within your team, keep your conversation on mathematics. You must try to help anyone in your study team who asks. Helping your teammate does not mean giving answers. Help by giving hints and asking good questions. Explain and justify your ideas; give statements and reasons. No one alone is as smart as all of us together. Do not leave anyone behind or let anyone work ahead. Your team is not done until everyone is done. Clear off tables before getting to work so that you can see everyone’s paper. Use study team voices.

9 Five Ways of Thinking Investigate Examine Reason & Justify Visualize Choose Strategies & Tools

10 Grading Scale A: 90 – 100% B: 80 - 89.9% C: 70 - 79.9% D: 60 - 69.9% F: 59.9% or below (You earn this!) Note: Your grade is determined by the percentage you have earned of the total possible points. Keep a record of all of your own scores on a record sheet in the front of your notebook. You are capable of figuring your OWN grade at any time. Current grades are also accessible on the parent viewer.

11 Assistance & Homework Help Assistance: I am here to help you so if at any time you are having a problem pertaining to this class please see me immediately so that we can remedy the problem as quickly as possible. I am available most days both before and after school. The Math Lab is also available during the school day. Homework & Homework Help: It is important that you complete EVERY homework problem. This course is designed to “spiral”, meaning that topics are visited more than once, so you need to do all problems to get a complete understanding of the material. The solutions to ALL homework problems are available online at CPM also has many valuable resources in the student section at

12 Assessments Class activities and assignments Team Test on each unit Individual Test on each unit Formative & Participation Quizzes Presentations and Classroom Observation Technology activities

13 Assignments & Grading Assignments will be posted in the classroom and online. It is your responsibility to write them down in class or find them online. Both a Team Test and an Individual Test will be given after each unit of study and will always be announced in advance. Quizzes will be given periodically, and they may or may not be announced. Participation Quizzes, Formative Assessments, Presentations, and Class Observations will also factor into your grade. Portfolio assignments and projects will be given periodically during the course. They will be discussed in more detail when assigned. I will not grade on a curve nor will grades be rounded. However, bonus questions will appear occasionally.

14 Steps for Success Preparation Attendance Participation Independent practice Collaboration Communication

15 Geometry & You! Aside from the smaller projects that you will be doing throughout the year, near the end of this course, you will have the opportunity to research the relationship between geometry and a topic of interest to you. You will design a project and present to the class.

16 On my page, you will find daily lessons, homework, upcoming tests and quizzes as well as some of the class resources. To get to my page follow these steps: 1. Go to the Solon Schools web page 2. Choose Schools 3. Choose Solon High 4. Scroll down to my name (Charlotte Holman) 5. Choose “Calendar of Events” from the bottom 6. Choose the appropriate class Internet Information

17 We’re All in This Together! Welcome to Honors Geometry! I am looking forward to assisting you in learning and have high expectations of you for this year. If we work together, it will be a rewarding and successful year for all!

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