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Unit 4-2 He said I was hard-working Section B ( 3-4 )课时.

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2 Unit 4-2 He said I was hard-working Section B ( 3-4 )课时

3 单词 : 1. 曾经 2. 疯狂的 3. 再, 还 4. 小吃 5. 消息 6. 假定 7. 爷爷 8. 勤劳的 9 紧张的 10. 信封 11. 幸运地 12. 学期 13. 真实的 14. 令人失望的 15. 幸运的 16. 复制 17. 自己的 18. 乡村 19.( 大学 ) 毕业生 20. 志愿者 ever crazy/mad anymore snack message suppose hard-working nervous envelope luckily semester true disappointing lucky copy owngrandpa village graduate volunteer

4 Exercises 1.Please the________to others.( 信息) 2.We shouldn’t c____others’ homework. 3.He was n_____to see the results of the exam. 4.Mary is a nurse and her_____is a doctor.( 丈夫) 5.L____he passed the math test. 6. I saw the famous movie star with my o___eyes 7.Of all the students, he did_____( 差) in the exam 8.we will learn 8 English sons this______( 学期) message opy ervous husband uckily wn worst semester

5 Warming-up Groupwork: Discuss:1. What do you think of your own language learning?( English/ Chinese) Eg:I am hard-working/lazy. I am good at reading/speaking/listening---- I am not good at remembering the words. 2. What do you think of your other subjects? EG: I do well in math--------.

6 任务二:老师如何评价我 Name Class Chinese teacher Math teacher English teacher Science hard-working good at speaking can do better lazy student

7 Key points : be well=be in good health Eg: 我希望你身体健康 be sorry to do sth. 听说你患了重感冒我很难过。 期末考试 感到紧张 幸运的是,我这次做得还可以。 luck, lucky, luckily Good luck to you! 她够幸运的通过了英语考试 幸运的是她通过了考试 I hope you are in good health. I’m sorry to hear that you had a bad cold. end-of-year exam get nervous Luckily I did OK this time She was lucky enough to pass the exam. Luckily, she passed the exam.

8 7. have a hard time with sth / have a hard time doing sth. 做 ---------- 有困难 We had a hard time _______(find) his home. 8. be surprised to do -------- surprise sb I was _________________________( 很吃惊的在这看到我的朋 友) I don’t want ___________________( 使她吃惊)。 9. He __________________________( 发现物理很难) 10. copy one’s homework 抄某人的作业 你抄别人的作业是不对的。 _______________________________________ 11. He didn’t know _____________________________( 外面正 在发生什么?) 12. pass on-----to ---- 你想让我传些信息吗? finding surprised to see my friend here. to surprise her finds physics difficult. It’s not right to copy others’ homework. what was happening outside. Do you want me to pass on any messages to him?

9 Name: Scott Class: Class 11 Math hard-working Spanish good at speaking History can do better Science lazy student My math teacher said I was hard-working. My Spanish teacher said I was good at speaking. My History teacher said I could do better. My Science teacher said I was lazy. My math teacher said I was hard-working. My Spanish teacher said I was good at speaking. My History teacher said I could do better. My Science teacher said I was lazy. That’s good news for me. I am very glad. And my listening was good, too. I was very disappointed. I will work hard at it. which isn’t true. It’s just that science really difficult. 3b

10 任务三:最快乐的周末 namesPlans 每个同学询问小组内其他成员周末有什么安排, 并将周末安排填入表格中,并选派一个同学向全班 汇报。

11 任务四 : 看图讲故事


13 词组: 1. 首先,起初 2. 克服 3. 在 … 方面做得好 4. 身体健康 5. 举行惊喜晚会 6. 对 … 愤怒 7. 给他传口信 8. 传口信 9. 在车站见面 10. 认为必须帮助他们 first of all get over do well in/be good at---- be in good health have a surprise party be mad at pass him a message pass on the message meet at the bus stop be supposed to help them

14 Dear grandma, Thanks for your invitation, but I am very sorry. I can ’ t come to your birthday party next Tuesday. As you can see, I am very busy next week. On Monday, I am going to have a school trip. On Tuesday, I have to see a dentist. On Wednesday, I am going to study for a test. Dear grandma, I can play the piano now. I will play it for you if I go home. I am having a good time here. Hope you are well. Love Nicky

15 将直接引语转为间接引语: 1. “I am tired very much.” he said. What did he say? He said___________________________. 2. “I can swim in the river.” she said. What did she say? She said____________________________. 3.“We are interested in math and physics.” they said. What did they say? They said_________________________. 4. “I ride a bike to school every day.” Jim said. What did Jim say? Jim said_________________________________. he was tired very much. she could swim in the river. they were interested in math and physics. he rode a bike to school every day.

16 汉译英; 1. 你的成绩怎么样 ? ________________________________________. 2. 这儿一切都好. _______________________________________. 3. 我的西班牙语老师说我的听力很好. _____________________________________. 4. 好消息是我的数学老师说我很勤奋. _______________________________________. 5. 我的自然科学老师说我很懒. ____________________________________. 6. 幸运的是, 我通过了所有学科的考试. ________________________________________. How was your report? Things are fine here. My Spanish teacher said my listening was good. The good news is that my math teacher said I was … My science teacher said I was lazy. Luckily, I passed the exams of all the subjects.

17 semester 学期 worst bad 的最高级 true 真实的 disappointing hers 她的 own 自己的 get over 克服 village 乡村 Peking University 北大 graduate 毕业生 volunteer 志愿者 Education 教育 Young Pioneer 少先队 rural 乡村的 area 地区 meter 米 sea level 海平面 thin 稀薄的 fortunately 幸运地 decision 决定 ; 决心

18 husband 丈夫 dormitory 宿舍 senior 高中 college 大学 open up 打开 start 开始 influence 影响 hometown 家乡 peace 和平 care for 照顾 border 边界 UNICEF 联合国儿童基金 WWF 世界野生动物基金 danger 危险 Lana Marcia 玛西娅 Ben 本 Scott 斯科特

19 Fill in the blanks with the proper words 1.My sister is too young to make ______( 决定) by herself. 2. Last week I returned to my________( 家乡) 3. The old man lived in a poor v_________. 4. Now more and more people are rich enough to buy their o______cars. 5. We should are for the wild animals in d_____. 6. Many college students were v_______in Beijing 2008 Olympic. 7.He is 1.75 m_______tall. decision hometown illage wn anger olunteers eters

20 8. Lucy fell off her bike,f_______,she didn’t hurt herself. 9. They are Shangdong University g_____. 10. The boy is so lazy that he often c_____ others’ homework. 11.His _______ is a pilot. ( 丈夫) 12. He likes being a good________ in his kids’ lives.( 影响) ortunately raduates opies husband influence

21 ever 曾经 mad 狂热的 anymore 不再 snack 小吃 direct speech 直接引语 reported speech first of all 首先 message 信息 pass on 传递 suppose 假定 be supposed to 被期望 hard-working 努力工作的 do better in grandpa 爷爷 be in good health report card 成绩单 nervous 不安的 envelope 信封 Luckily 幸运的 Copy 复制

22 sum up Phrases: well=be in good health 2.end-of-year exam 3. have a hard time doing----/with sth. surprised to do----- 5.another disappointing result 6. copy one’s homework 7.get over the difficulties/ get over it 8.start a bad habit 9.change one’ life

23 10. in a poor mountain village 11.sound like fun/sound fun/interesting 12.a one-year program 13.send volunteers to teach in China’s rural area 14.2000 meters above sea level 15.agree with 16 make a decision 17.need to experience different things 18.feel lucky

24 19.go to senior high school up the students’ eyes to the ourside 21. return to China 22. care for=look after=take care of 23. wild animals in danger

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