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Math Strategy Share Mnemonic Strategies:

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1 Math Strategy Share Mnemonic Strategies:
Are a systematic procedure for enhancing memory, in other words a “memory aid”. Research has demonstrated that the way we encode information when we first study facilitates memory better. In developing mnemonic strategies students find ways to relate or connect new information to what they already learned through visual and verbal cues.

2 Mnemonic Strategies Memory for factual information is essential for success in school, including students with special needs. These strategies are not an an overall teaching method or curricular approach. They are intended to be used to enhance the initial processing of information and can facilitate recall of the steps or components of any lesson where memory is needed.

3 Mnemonics A primary goal of mnemonic instruction is to have students adopt and use them independently Incorporate mnemonic strategies as much as possible in your teaching Apply attributions ( if you use these strategies, you will remember the information) Create and relate key words to the associated information.

4 Math Mnemonics For example, P.E.M.D.A.S.
Is a letter strategy used in Algebra for Order of Operations P= Parenthesis E= Exponents M= Multiplication D= Division A= Addition S= Subtraction

5 PEMDAS The steps are as follows:
Perform the operations inside a parenthesis first. Then exponents. Then Multiplication and division, from left to right. Then addition and subtraction, from left to right. You can also create your own phrase to memorize, as the sequence: Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally

6 ASTC Another example of a letter strategy used in Trigonometry for remembering which Trig functions are positive in the four Cartesian quadrants. A= All S= Students T= Take C= Calculus

7 Resources

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