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Interactive Science Notebook 7 th Grade Life Science YOUR Name YOUR Period Captain Foxwell 2012-2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Interactive Science Notebook 7 th Grade Life Science YOUR Name YOUR Period Captain Foxwell 2012-2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Interactive Science Notebook 7 th Grade Life Science YOUR Name YOUR Period Captain Foxwell 2012-2013

2 The notebook is divided into TWO sections. LEFT side “ loves ” YOUR work = OUTPUT RIGHT side is “ restricted ” to Captain Foxwell ’ s INPUT Jolly Good Knowledge Fill in the missing word. Decomposer Producer Consumer Plants are ____. Lions, tigers, and bears are ____. Worms and mushrooms are____.

3 The LEFT SIDE belongs to you. It contains the date, the day’s objective, any opening assignments (indicated with a question mark) and the day’s activity (indicated with a lightbulb). On this page you may include diagrams, cartoons, drawings, poems, foldables, etc. Let your CREATIVITY go wild! ODD PAGES =1, 3, 5, 7, 9…YOU GOT IT..

4 This is how the LEFT side of your notebook should look. INCLUDES:  OBJECTIVE  OPENING  YOUR THOUGHTS ABOUT THE DAY ’ S ACTIVITY Jolly Good Knowledge #1 Fill in the missing word. LeftRight Handouts from Captain Foxwell go on the _____ side. I get to be creative & show what I learned on the _______ side OBJECTIVE: I will learn how to set up my interactive notebook.

5 The TOP of the left side of your IAN is for Jolly Good Knowledge Openings. “Openings” can be found written on the Smartboard. It acts as an opening at the start of class and should be completed within the first FIVE minutes of class each day. Fill in the missing word. LEFT RIGHT Handouts from Captain Foxwell go on the _____ side. I get to be creative and show what I learned on the _______ side OBJECTIVE: I will learn how to organize my science notebook

6 The day ’ s activity is also placed on the LEFT side of the notebook. This section acts as a reinforcement for the RIGHT side. This side will be hands on learning as you are creating pretty much everything that goes here!

7 Science Openings Graphic Organizers Drawings/Illustrations Poems, Rap Songs Cartoons/Comics Lab Analysis Foldables Reflections Vocabulary YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO BE AS CREATIVE AS YOU WANT TO BE

8 The RIGHT SIDE belongs to me, Captain Foxwell, and therefore should only contain information given or “input” from me. This is the ESSENTIAL information that will DEFINITELY be on a quiz or test. Nothing else should go on this side. Even Pages = 2,4,6,8..YOU KNOW IT.

9 Notes from  PowerPoints  Movie/Video  Article Readings  Book Scientific vocabulary exercises Lab procedures Study Guides Graded work Classwork

10 For the front of your IAN… The name of the course:  7 th Grade Life Science The words:  Interactive Science Notebook The class period that you have science: Ex. Period 1 The school year: 2012-2013 Your teacher: Captain Foxwell Your name: (self explanatory) Pictures:  4 pictures (your friends, family, activities and you and then one science picture) My Name My Grade

11 Starting with the 1 st page, number the first 50 pages. The 1 st page is 0 – EVEN numbers will always be on the RIGHT and ODD numbers on the LEFT. Number at the TOP OUTSIDE CORNER of every page. 2 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS AUTHORS PAGE “ALL ABOUT YOU PAGE” TABLE OF CONTENTS 0 Inside front cover TABLE OF CONTENTS

12 2 (Pages 0-11 will be REFERENCE PAGES) 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS AUTHORS PAGE “ALL ABOUT YOU PAGE” TABLE OF CONTENTS 0 Inside front cover TABLE OF CONTENTS At the top of PAGES 0,1,2 & 3, write Table of Contents. Divide each page into 4 columns: Date, Description, Page #, Grade


14 345 On pages 3-10, you will glue class handouts. Lab Safety Contract IAN GUIDELINES 6 Syllabus Table of Contents

15 Do not RIP OUT pages or tear corners All handouts MUST BE GLUED IN! Please don’t DOODLE unless it relates to science Your IAN should only be used for SCIENCE CLASS and COMES TO CLASS EVERYDAY Each page should have the DATE, PAGE# and TITLE Write ALL entries in the Table of Contents BE COLORFUL & LOVE YOUR NOTEBOOK

16 Make sure you have your TITLES at the top of each page to help you to remember what you need to PASTE Complete your AUTHOR’S PAGE and the COVER of your IAN  Both are DUE ON FRIDAY. You can do these on a separate piece of paper and paste them into/onto your notebook.

17 Sample Author P a g e

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