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ONE Concept. ONE Work area & lab setup ONE Goals Provide single network interface regardless of physical link Provide reliable, isochronous message transport.

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Presentation on theme: "ONE Concept. ONE Work area & lab setup ONE Goals Provide single network interface regardless of physical link Provide reliable, isochronous message transport."— Presentation transcript:

1 ONE Concept

2 ONE Work area & lab setup

3 ONE Goals Provide single network interface regardless of physical link Provide reliable, isochronous message transport

4 Closed IONet Open Internet Precipitation Processing System Data Workstation Mission Operations Center Data Workstation Data MDP/CFDP WSGT GN Router WSGT GN Router STGT GN Router STGT GN Router Guam GN Router Guam GN Router C&DH IOO PR-U Mass Storage Mass Storage GPM Spacecraft GNC 95 kbps PSE 1553 Ethernet 15 kbps GMI MDP/CFDP UDP COP-1 like One minute science data files ~ One minute insts HK files ~One minute... Instrument A Instrument B Instrument C Instrument A Instrument B Instrument C... Instrument A Instrument B Instrument C Instrument A Instrument B Instrument C...... Instrument A Instrument B Instrument A Instrument B Instrument C Instrument A Instrument B Instrument A Instrument B Instrument C... Instrument A Instrument B Instrument A Instrument B Instrument C Instrument A Instrument B Instrument A Instrument B Instrument C... GPM Mission Data Flow Concept 1553 GNC Components 25 kbps PR-A S/C HK files BC RT BC RT File Manager File Xfer Instr. Support Tlm Output NIC COMM Cmd Ingest Software Bus NB NIC

5 Prototype Goals Verify IP protocol use in real-time, flight environment Maintain IP standard protocols Use standard IP/Ethernet stacks – no modifications Implementation minimize modifications to common executive services maintain COP-1-like functionality no isochrony

6 Prototype Effort Stack Ethernet Device Driver IP Stack UDP Network Bus CommUser Apps

7 Flight Software Architecture PSE Inter-task Message Router (SW Bus) Memory Checksum EDAC Memory Scrubber Tlm & Statistics Monitor 1 Hz Time Synch MDP/CFDP ACS HK Data Acquisition Manager PSE Support Health & Safety Manager Software Manager Time Code Stored Command Processor Telemetry Output File Manager Transponder Cmd (UDP COP-1) Thruster Instruments ACS Components Autonomous Navigation Spacecraft Analogs Power Supply Electronics Switch Commands & Readbacks Commands Common Executive C&DH Command Ingest Memory Dwell Real-time Telemetry (UDP) Fire Cmd Thruster Status Data COMM (UL/DL I/F) Sensor Data, Time GNC Actuator Cmd Instruments Support Science, Housekeeping Date Mass Storage 1553 Bus Support Science & HK files (MDP/CFDP) HGA HGA Cmd Position Network Support NB SpaceWire Support

8 GSFC Protoype Effort - Commanding characteristics of commanding that need to be addressed for a complete IP/command implementation: acknowledgment, sequencing, and reliability Implement many of the COP-1 features including sequence verification, retransmit, bypass, and lock-out COP-1 functions are performed at the user application layer in the Command Ingest Task CLCW will be used for verification and is downlinked by CI in a UDP packet, on a separate UDP port On the uplink side, the secondary header of the CCSDS command includes a sequence counter, the unlock bit, and the bypass bit

9 GSFC Protoype Effort – Special Commanding There are 2 types of special commands: COM special command: is distributed via hardwire.defined by a specific, pre-determined UDP destination port action of the COM special command is defined in the UDP data The UDP data will either be formatted as a byte(s) or a CCSDS packet (TBD), but must be at a fixed offset from the IP header. Bus special command: broadcast over the network defined by the host id of the IP address equaling a value of 25 memory controller on the NIC will look at the UDP destination port to determine if the command is for its subsystem If the command is valid, it will be executed by subsystem hardwares as defined in the UDP data UDP command data must be at a fixed offset from the IP header

10 DestSrc CRC Ethernet Frame (RFC 894) IP Packet Version Hdr len TOS TTL, Proto Source IP Dest IP UDP Packet Total Length,ID, Flags, Frag Offset Type IP Hdr UDP Hdr Data (0800) (Command) 2 6 244 2 46-1500 266 Hdr Cksum 2 Source Port Number Destination Port Number UDP Length UDP Checksum 22218-14722 UDP Packet Data (Command) IP Command Format 26-1480

11 PACKET ID TYPE 3111 VER ID SEC HDR FLAG APP ID 1 SEQ FLAGS SEQ CNT 214 PACKET SEQ CONTROL PKT LEN 16 SECONDARY HEADERDATA CMD SEQ COUNT CCSDS Command Format 8 By- pass Control Cmd Flg =0 1 Flags 5 spare Secondary header bit 0 = 0 for non-CCSDS-defined header. 1 6 byte primary header 2 byte sec. header

12 GSE Ethernet/IP Multi-node Testbed C&DH I/F IP/TCP/UDP 561 NIC SFDUs GOAL: Add subsystem simulators CONFIGURATION: Addition of PSE & GNC Simulators Addition of 561 Switch NB SB TO ASIST Stack GSFC 561 Driver MEDIA CONVERTER SWITCH PSE Simulator IP/TCP/UDP IP/UDP MEDIA CONVERTER MEDIA CONVERTER GNC Simulator CI


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