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College Andrew Robson Feb 2007. You will hear about… e-learning Projects Piloting e-CPD.

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Presentation on theme: "College Andrew Robson Feb 2007. You will hear about… e-learning Projects Piloting e-CPD."— Presentation transcript:

1 e-CPD@Gateshead College Andrew Robson Feb 2007

2 You will hear about… e-learning Projects Piloting e-CPD

3 The Project Cycle Project Plan Detailed planning Training & development Piloting Refinement Integration Spread good practice e-CPD

4 Sub-project 1 Additional support for part-time learners

5 Sub-project 2 Developing Blackboard Course Components - The Cert. Ed. Experience

6 Sub-project 3 Introducing On-line Assessment

7 e-CPD A paper-chase Emphasis on measurement An e-portfolio Encourage Reflection Records what you do already Engage teams and/or individuals Simplicity Flexibility For the converted Another hoop to jump through Use to achieve our aims/strategy A development opportunity Encourage the non-enthusiasts Integrated professional development

8 e-CPD A paper-chase Emphasis on measurement An e-portfolio Encourage Reflection Records what you do already Engage teams and/or individuals Simplicity Flexibility For the converted Another hoop to jump through Use to achieve our aims/strategy A development opportunity …what we would like from it Integrated professional development …what we dont want from it Encourage the non-enthusiasts

9 We tried… (for Unit 1) Video, discussion-based evidence Emphasis on reflection and improvement and found… Evidence collection was easy ….but was it achieving our goals and meeting the standards?

10 Some Questions Is the evidence we produced sufficient? Was it an efficient method of staff development? Would the approach work for less experienced staff? Next… Need to explore use of video evidence further (other units?) Would like to pilot with College Departments (teaching teams) Is this the right method? Priorities re-inforced

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