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MISTER ROBERTS Presented for your learning pleasure by: Tony “Advocate for the little guy” King Brian “The New Guy” Miller Rob “ This is my last Class.

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Presentation on theme: "MISTER ROBERTS Presented for your learning pleasure by: Tony “Advocate for the little guy” King Brian “The New Guy” Miller Rob “ This is my last Class."— Presentation transcript:

1 MISTER ROBERTS Presented for your learning pleasure by: Tony “Advocate for the little guy” King Brian “The New Guy” Miller Rob “ This is my last Class DuCote

2 CAST AND CREW Captain James Cagney LTJG RobertsHenry Fonda ENS PulverJack Lemmon DocWilliam Powell

3 Story Line WWII story aboard the USS RELUCTANT, a U.S. Navy cargo ship Most of the war has passed, the ship has not seen any action. Ship honors is a Palm tree for cargo handling Fleet goes by in opening and is observed by LTJG Doug Roberts who desperately wants to see combat action

4 LTJG Douglas Roberts Cargo Officer Loved by the shipmates Wants combat action Numerous requests for transfer denied by Captain Conflict between Capt and him is strong

5 The Captain Career Officer Strong-willed Leads by intimidation Feels career threatened by Roberts’ constant transfer requests

6 ENS Frank Pulver Laundry and Morale officer. Likeable! Does neither Laundry or morale…stays in rack avoiding the Capt! Easy going, yet smart..very Walter Mitty-like

7 Discuss the leadership traits of the three main characters The Captain LTJG Roberts ENS Pulver

8 Compare and contrast the leadership styles of the Captain and LTJG Roberts. Which one would you want to work for and why? Tyrant vs. The People’s Leader! Napoleon’s Complex? This is the climatic scene in the movie. Can anyone relate to this scene?

9 Assess and classify the leadership styles of the main characters using Situational Leadership II model (Blanchard, K, et al., 1985). (textbook page 56). Use both “D” and “S” models. The Captain LTJG Roberts ENS Pulver Doc Uh, yes sir. For 14 months now. Who are you, mister? Are you one of my officers?

10 THE FOUR LEADERSHIP STYLES High Supportive And Low Directive Behavior S3 High Directive And High Supportive Behavior S2 S4 Low Supportive And Low Directive Behavior S1 High Directive And Low Supportive Behavior Supportive Behavior (High) Directive Behavior (Low) (High) Development Level of Followers D4 D3 D2D1 DevelopedDeveloping HIGHMODERATELOW Delegating Supporting Coaching Directing

11 Assume you are the Captain of the Reluctant. Using the Contingency Model (textbook, pg. 77), analyze LTJG Roberts’ leadership style and provide an assessment. Leader-Member relation Task structure Position power Final assessment: LCP is ____ on the contingency model

12 Contingency Model GOODPOOR HIGH LOW STRUCTURE HIGH LOW STRUCTURE STRONG WEAK POWER POWER STRONG WEAK POWER POWER Leader-Member Relations Task Structure Position Power Preferred Leadership Style 1 2 3 4 5 6 78 Low LPCs Middle LPCs High LPCsLow LPCs

13 Summary Movie has great comedic value, and teaches some valuable lessons about leadership styles In the end, which style of leadership depicted in the movie in best for the Navy, or any organization? Disappointment: The Doc. Sage leader who does not lead…know any of those?

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